Vasandhan's repair and replacement is Thursday, Aug. 13th

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Best wishes for a successful aortic valve replacement and ascending aortic aneursym repair. The hospital is one of the best, so I'm confident all will go well. Please update us when you can.
God bless and Godspeed!
We look forward to the good news of your successful surgery.
The time has come and it will soon be nothing more then a memory. See you when your fixed. :)
surgery got postponed to next thrusday 8/13

surgery got postponed to next thrusday 8/13

Thanks everyone for all your prayers. Thanks very much Teresa for referring me to a wonderful surgeon.

My surgery got postponed to next thursday 8/13. I got a call from doctors office stating that, they had to postpone my surgery since they had to do emergency surgery to another patient. I have reset my waiting time for another week.
Sorry for the delay. Why the rescheduling? Hope the days between now and then fly by for you.

Best Wishes.
Surgeon's office called me yesterday to tell me that they had to postpone because the surgeon had to do an emergency surgery. I am still waiting on the time of my surgery.
These things happen sometimes unfortunately, so just hang in there! Do some last minute things & try not to worry too much! I know, I know, easier said than done but try anyway!
My first OHS, I was the emergency that made some other patient be rescheduled. I didn't understand at the time the stress that person endured because of me but am grateful my surgeon took the most emergent case (me :eek: ) to the OR ASAP. My sincere thanks to the person who had their surgery delayed. My second OHS, I obsessed I would be the one delayed but my surgery went as scheduled. Thankfully.

I hope you go forward as rescheduled and wish you the very best.

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