We were shocked to learn last night that our dear mother has severe calcific aortic stenosis. A cardiology consult is recommended ASAP. My mom is sharp as a tack but frail, and I can't imagine that she can endure surgery for a valve replacement. She had radical mastectomy 18 months ago although all 9 lymph nodes were negative for cancer so no further treatment. She is a primary caregiver for my dad who is 83 and has short term memory problems and a few other miscellaneous health issues.
Another question: mom had severe chest pain on August 8th which resolved after a few hours and she did not go to doc until Sept 23. When they did the echocardiogram would they be able to tell if she had a heart attack? I'm told her blood tests results this week were all within normal limits.
She denies syncope or other episodes of chest pain. She has had numbness and tingling in arms and legs which we have attributed to her anxiety. She denies shortness of breath but is very easily fatigued.
Also what testing will she have now to determine if she is a candidate for valve replavement?
Thanks in advance for your replies. This is scarey!
Another question: mom had severe chest pain on August 8th which resolved after a few hours and she did not go to doc until Sept 23. When they did the echocardiogram would they be able to tell if she had a heart attack? I'm told her blood tests results this week were all within normal limits.
She denies syncope or other episodes of chest pain. She has had numbness and tingling in arms and legs which we have attributed to her anxiety. She denies shortness of breath but is very easily fatigued.
Also what testing will she have now to determine if she is a candidate for valve replavement?
Thanks in advance for your replies. This is scarey!