I don't think anyone saw your update squeezed in here. I'm not sure why I checked back into this thread, but something just told me to. Maybe, I was just really hoping for an update from you.............
Regardless, I am so glad that I did. Now I know that my fears have been justified. I was so hoping that no news was good news............sigh! You have really been through the wringer since you last posted. What a frightening time you have had. No wonder you were depressed. Who wouldn't be? I am doubling up on the prayers starting tonight!!! And sending loads of (((cyberhugs))) your way.
I pray that the diuretics do the trick and that you get some good answers soon (with some good "fixes!!!"). Have you talked to Niki and Harpoon about the adult CHD group that they belong to? There might be someone on there who has gone through what you are going through. Please get to feeling better and do keep us posted as now I really will be worrying when I don't hear from you.
Much love to you all.