Update: Week 5

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2008
South Africa - Pretoria.
Hi there to my Valve-family ;)

I am now almost 5 weeks post-op after OHS (repaired Mitral valve).
I still have a bit of discomfort and pains in sternum/chest area, but it gets much better every week. I still feel a bit weak and tired at times, but I have not been a very good "heart rehab" patient :cool: planning on doing some serious walking this week. I am going to Cardiologist on the 12th for my 6 weeks check-up and will motivate an extention on sick leave, hopefully he'll allow another 3 weeks at least.

I discovered a nice web ad that has a bit of info on "life after OHS"

It is winter in S.A. and I am still in my pj's ;)
love and hugs,
Thanks for the site- maybe Ross can add it to post surgery as a sticky!
Glad you're doing so well. It's interesting to follow your postings as I'm also just about on week 5 after a valve repair. Unfortunately I just started working again from home, blah... the OHS "honeymoon" was nice while it lasted!
Good luck!
There is a little hurdle in my path this week...

I have flu, sinus infection or something and started sneezing and caughing today. Feel a bit feverish and general malaise. I am trying to doctor myself with Sinus-meds and Vitamin C at this stage as my Medical aid funds are not looking so good, but I think I might need antibiotics and real meds at some stage...
Smiley2000 said:
There is a little hurdle in my path this week...

I have flu, sinus infection or something and started sneezing and caughing today. Feel a bit feverish and general malaise. I am trying to doctor myself with Sinus-meds and Vitamin C at this stage as my Medical aid funds are not looking so good, but I think I might need antibiotics and real meds at some stage...
I can not imagine coughing and sneezing at 5 weeks. Hope you're soon feeling better.
Hope you make a very quick recovery from the flu, and thank you for the web site. I'm at 11 weeks post OHS.

Sneezing and coughing at 5 weeks doesn't sound pleasant at all. I hope you get rid of whatever has a hold of you lickety split and you can get back to walking and hopefully chasing some youngins..

SMILEEEEEEY get of your ass and start moving. Do not be motivated by sickness extension and feeling sorry for yourself. Be motivated by targetted well being. Exercise physical and mental is needed. Not couch potatoe wallowing. Get out there soldier and win the battle. :)
I can remember at 5 weeks thinking will i ever get enough strength to go back to work. well here it is week 8 and i went back to restricted duty ie paperwork yesterday and I am starting on my second week of rehab so hang in there it gets better. jim

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