Update on INR

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Well my results came back from yesterday's test and my INR was still low, but at least higher. It went from 1.7 to 1.9. They told me to take another 9mg dose Monday night, then 6 mg every day as usual; then to be tested Friday again. I feel a little better that its rising, but still I'm a little on edge. BTW, what type of timeframe is involved from a clot forming to causing problems? In other words, once my INR is in range, when can I say, 'No more worries'? :)
I think your going to find yourself alongside me at 7.5 everyday soon.

As far as the clot question, you could go on forever without one, you could develop one in a short time, it can go either way. It's one of those things where your taking the drug to prevent the possibility from occurring. It doesn't mean that it will, only that studies indicate a good possibility.

Don't stress over this stuff. I learned pretty quick that it's not worth thinking about it all the time. You will drive yourself nuts and have your INR bouncing all over at the same time. Take it a day at a time and soon your INR will be in range and life will become stable once again. ;)
Hi Jet,

It took about 7-8 weeks for my INR to stabilize. Most of the time I too was low as a result of my dose being lowered after an unexpected INR of 6.1.

I am now running very consistently 2.9 to 3.3 and am going to start testing every two weeks rather than weekly.

I hope your next INR is above 2 and slowly climbing to your target range. I hated it when my INR was too low. Are you planning on pursuing hometesting? It helps you feel like you have a little more control of the situation.