Good news!!!
Thank you everybody for all of the thoughts and prayers for Macall (the 10 yr old that was critically injured in a ski accident)!! The prayers are being answered!! Macall is out of the coma and was removed from the ventilator just a couple days ago.
She had to have a tracheotomy because of pnuemonia in her damaged lung a week or so ago, they took the vent out but are leaving the trach in for a little while just to make sure she isn't going to need the vent any more, so they still don't know if she's able to talk because of the trach. She sat up in a chair yesterday and smiles and cries to appropriate subjects. They are planning to move her to Children's Hospital there in Denver sometime this week. That's where she'll be doing her rehab. Isn't this all such great news? Her family has thanked me over and over for all of the wonderful prayers that you all are sending her way! You all are so wonderful!!
Please keep her in your prayers that she makes a full recovery, (not long ago our prayers were that she would survive), miracles do happen!!
Thank you everybody for all of the thoughts and prayers for Macall (the 10 yr old that was critically injured in a ski accident)!! The prayers are being answered!! Macall is out of the coma and was removed from the ventilator just a couple days ago.
Macall is flying on angel's wings!