Update -- Bridgette my Diabetic Pet

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
Hello everyone! I've been away from the forum for a couple of days because I've been busy trying to educate myself on my dog's disease. And too, coupled with what is going on with Bridgette, I had to put down my 16-year old feline Cat, Wally, on Monday. He had been going downhill for the last year or so but he still ate well even though he was skinny as a rail. He was already partially deaf & blind & his mind was almost completely gone. The straw that broken the camel's back was when my next door neighbor called me on Monday morning to tell me that he was in their shed & her dogs had him cornered & if they got him, they'd probably kill him. I went & picked him up, brought him home & gave him some food & left him in his favorite place in the back porch. Minutes later the phone rang again & it was my neighbor. He had gone back. That's when I decided it was time. I didn't want him to meet a cruel & ugly death by dog mauling so I had him put down. It was so hard & sad though. :( But it's done & I know I did the right thing.

Now, Bridgette ---
Her glucose level was even higher on Monday, 470 but the vet wants me to keep her on the 10 units of insulin every 12-hrs & have her checked again tomorrow. I have joined a pet forum for owners with diabetic dogs & have decided to cook both her & Petrie their food. So I've been cooking ground turkey, chicken breasts, chicken thighs & removing the skin & all the fat & discarding & mixing the meat with veggies, oats, rice & putting them in baggies for their meals.

The injections have gotten easier to administer & I've been using different areas of her back & neck area to keep from getting one area too sore. I find that it's easier to administer the injection when she is eating. Last night, for the first night, I noticed that she did not urinate as much in the garage floor so that's good. She's also outside right now barking & looking pretty spunky. I'm also making a big effort to walk her & Petrie every evening when the wind isn't blowing. I know that the exercise will do me good as well! :)

I've also found a pet sitting service (Guardian Angels) who specialize in special needs pets & do injections on pets when necessary. I know the owners very well & I'm happy that I didn't have to remove Bridgette from her home environment because the stress would not do her well with her condition.

So, I'm optomistic about Bridgette's prognosis & not as stressed anymore.

I will most likely not bother the forum with problems about my pets anymore since I know this is a heart forum & God only knows we've all got more serious issues & dragons to deal with on a daily basis, but thank you for listening to me. :)
Oh NOrma, I'm sorry to hear about Wally.....he did live to a good old age and that is plenty to be thankful for.
And Bridgette is starting to have a routine. Good. You are a superb Mommy, making healthy "real" food for her.
My pets always get some of our chicken, salmon, beef, pork and eggs. I can't imagine living a life on only dry dehydrated kibbles.
I'm sending a Kiss to your pups. :)
Dear Norma, I am sorry for your loss, and for the complicated situation with Bridgette. You are a champion. Brian

So sorry about your cat. However, he lived a very long and full life.

I'm very encouraged by your report about Bridgette. Please keep us updated about her. This may be a heart website, but we all have a heart ;) for our pets -- and those of our friends here.
Thank you all so much for your friendship & compassion.

I have been crying on & off this week & asking "why" all this is facing me at the moment when my health is not that great either. And yes I know, I'm wasting my time & energy on self-pity & I have to focus on the positive and/or face the challenges as they present themselves.

Karylnn --- I will check out those sites & I did find out my vet is mentioned on the Hills Pets Diet link so I will ask him for an Rx tomorrow to purchase some of these foods. Thank you so much.

Marsha, Bina, Brian --- thank you for your friendship & for being there! Love you all!
Sorry to hear about losing your cat (Wally) it's hard when we lose our furry friends they are part of our family.
Glad to hear Bridgette is doing better. I know those meds for pets cost so much.
We had to have our dog on some for about 6 months and it was costly. But what else do you do you love them to much to watch them suffer. Hope everything turns out ok.
Happy about Bridgette, sounds like she is doing well.

I am very sorry to read about your dear cat. I have had many, many cats that lived to be very old, and I know what you mean about eating well, and getting skinny. Just about all of them had that happen when they got to be a certain age. That is their natural life span, and nothing you can do will stop the march of time.

You did a great favor to your lovely cat and made sure the end would not be terrifying with dogs attacking him.

You are a wonderful pet mom.