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Well-known member
May 2, 2004
Chicago area
Hey everyone!

I have to say, this economy today really sucks! I have been looking for a decent job forever, but there's really not too much out there for someone with little to no experience. I graduated from college 3 years ago so I am fairly new to the world of work. I have been on a few interviews, but lately, no job offers. In the meantime, I am working though a temp agency...and what did I find out recently? That it took someone working at the place I am working now, through the temp agency 9 months before they actually got hired. There is no way I can wait 9 months to get hired!

As far as my insurance, I am on COBRA right now...I have about 8 months left of COBRA before it 'runs out'. I am really really hoping that I can find a permanent job before it runs out. It is a little more difficult to be looking for a job while you are working already...I am thinking of quitting and looking for a job full time...which just may be the smartest thing for me to do since I only have 8 months left.
I know that there is another program that you can get insurance through. In Illinois it is called ICHIP, which is a high risk insurance pool. I am not quite sure how it works though...does anyone know how the ICHIP program for Illinois works? I know you have to pay for it and I think there may be a waiting list that you have to be put on...
People have told me it is better to just have insurance through a company you work though than having to go onto ICHIP. And no, I am not married or even close to ever being married so no, I can't get insurance through a spouse.

How safe would it be to be covered by no insurance at all? That's a stupid question for me to ask, of course it wouldn't be safe at all, that would be the worst possible thing for me to do, just let my right to insurance slip away...then who knows what would happen...I could need emergency surgery some time and go into debt cause I have no health insurance. And then I'd be in debt and have to file bankruptsy and my chances of ever having a career or living on my own would be totally wiped away! That being the worst case senario...I am freaked out...

I am just a poor college grad trying to improve my situation, not make it worse...Any suggestions from people with life experience?

Thanks for any advice you have!

Obviously you already know not having insurance is a road you don't want to travel.
If you are on Cobra right now, you are probably paying quite a bit for insurance and getting through, albeit difficult from a monetary standpoint. I have been on Cobra twice in my life (on right now but will be off next month when my current job waiting period is over) and have paid through the teeth ($551/month now).
Could you consider taking a lower paying job to get insurance? The insurance is bound to cost you considerably less than Cobra so you may actually be ahead of the game. If you establish yourself in a medium to large company, promotions could conceivably get you quickly to a level you may be trying to find in a job right now. Being in the Chicago area, there must be a great variety of larger companies to investigate.
I am sure an entry level job is not something you want with a college education but it may be the path to take to get insurance coverage. Once you are in the door you have a much better chance to make impressions on the people involved in promotions than you have in an interview situation.
Just some thoughts.
Good luck,
I agree with what Gina writes. If you could find a job with good insurance benefits, lower pay might be more than offset by the insurance coverage.
Is there anything, anywhere that you might get a job with benefits? Once you have insurance coverage, you could look around to see what else is available.
I know this isn't much of an answer, but I have thought about it with my own kids.