1. When was your AVR?
2. Are you keeping a Coumadin/warfarin diary -- recording daily dosages with INR test results + noting any additions of medications, illnesses, anything else that could have an effect on your INR (pigged out for 1 week on licorice
, began a new exercise regimen, changed diet to a low-fat one, etc.)?
If you are keeping a Coumadin diary, please post the results. That would help us help you.
Those of us who home test keep such a diary, either in a download file from the internet, on an Excel file or in booklets such as those provided by Coumadin's manufacturer. (My PCP's office gives me those booklets; each booklet records 6 months.)
Like others have said, if your INR is going all over the boards, it's usually the case of poor anticoagulation management -- too frequent INR tests, with too frequent adjustments. Tests should be no more frequent than 3-4 days at the very most, with adjustments in small increments (10-15-20%).
I like taking almost the same amount of warfarin every day, rather than an up-and-down dosage. So I take 5mg X3 + 5.5 X 4 right now. I've taken as much as 6.5X7, but have reduced my activity level and when I got an INR of 4.5, I tweaked my warfarin dosage down. My INR about 17 days ago was 2.5 and I upped my dosage a little. Yesterday it was 3.0.
Some would say my INRs are all over the board, but they're really not.