Under the bridge downtown...

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Thought I'd share this little one. If I had a quarter for every time this happened at this particular bridge I'd be a very rich man... :D
There's an email going around about a truck driver who got his semi stuck under a bridge. The cop comes up and says "Truck stuck?" and the driver says "No, it broke down while I was trying to deliver this bridge."
About half a lifetime ago I worked in a building with a view of one of those bridges -- you know, the truck-eating bridge. In the case of this particular one, the bridge was labeled with a height of 13 feet 6 inches -- the legal height limit for trucks in Illinois. The problem was that over time, the City had used asphalt patching material to repair the deteriorating street surface, and had added about 4 inches of blacktop over the years. Thus, the "net" height was only 13 feet 2 inches -- low enough to catch about a truck per week. The added problem was that this was in a very bad neighborhood, so by the time the poor truck driver was able to get help and come back, his trailer was often vandalized and looted. Bad scene!


Great shot, Harpoon. We have many new overpasses going up over our Portland area freeways these days. With all the wood framework they look so low. My husband always laughs at me when I cringe pulling under one next to a semi. I'm loving this photo! Proof! :eek:

Great quote, Karlynn!

:) Marguerite