Carolyn, best of luck to your mom tomorrow.
Nancy used to have a list of things for relatives to take to the hospital - I haven't noticed it posted for a while. It included really sensible stuff like immodium, Tumms, aspirin, kleenex, money/change, reading material, some wipes, chapstick. I guess I'd add a couple of disposable toothbrushes, some snacks & gum. If I were waiting these days I'd take a portable DVD player and a couple of movies. Wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to be at the hospital all day.
Also - please don't judge how well she did by how she looks immediately after surgery. IT IS NOT A PRETTY SIGHT. And that's not taking into consideration all the tubes and wires and beeping machines, etc. My husband wouldn't talk about it for months. I think HE had PTSD from the whole thing.
Hope all goes well.