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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
What drugs do you take if you have an ulcer & are on warfarin?

I had an ulcer and every drug my doctor tried to prescribe.. The pharmacist wouldn?t fill... because it conflicted with my daily drugs. Toprol, lanoxin, coumadin, baby aspirin, multi-vitamin & warfarin.

I finally went to my local natural food store and she pointed me towards Mastic Gum and DGL Licorice. Took a while... but it did eventually help. But it comes back from time to time.

I'm really interested in what is normally prescribed for an ulcer with usage of coumadin involved.
They put me on Omeprazole for 12 months, but had me on Protonix. You'll have to adjust the Lanoxin and Coumadin, but adjusting is all that's necessary.
They gave me protonix in the hospital, and then I had four months of nexium at home. The nexium isn't supposed to have any effect on the coumadin, but Rich and I are sure it does. I'm still seeing the adjustment in coumadin. Nexium works well at quieting stomach acid, but it has other side effects.
I have read that about 80% of ulcers are caused by a certain bacteria and that with a treatment of certain antibiotics, it can be cured. I guess the antibiotics would affect the INR, but I would look into it.
An ulcer is an infection. So health food store stuff might soothe it but it will not be a cure.
Remember that anything affecting the GI tract will probably have an effect on the INR. A proton pump inhibitor may not have an interaction with warfarin but that doesn't mean that nothing will happen. PPIs are markers for GI tract trouble. Whether or not it has an interaction is just mental gymnastics.
I do not think that it is very smart for the pharmacist to refuse to fill a prescription because there is an interaction. The pharmacist should make sure that the prescriber is aware of the interaction, but not refuse to fill the prescription. You already have a problem if you have an ulcer and are on warfarin. Too often pharmacists think that they will not be sued for what they don't dispense. However, if your ulcer bled and you died, I rather be against that pharmacist than trying to defend the refusal to dispense.
I haven't kept up with the latest ulcer treatments but I think that you need an antibiotic and a PPI and getting your INR checked about every 3 days until things get back to stable.
They gave me protonix in the hospital, and then I had four months of nexium at home. The nexium isn't supposed to have any effect on the coumadin, but Rich and I are sure it does. I'm still seeing the adjustment in coumadin. Nexium works well at quieting stomach acid, but it has other side effects.

Jim, can you tell me more about the "Side Effects of Nexium"? (I'm guessing that Prilosec would have similar effects...do you know if that is true?)


I don?t have a copy of what the first doctor prescribed, but the second one prescribed ?amoxicill-clarithro-lansopraz, 500-500-30mg

The pharmacist told me that even if he would fill the prescription that my insurance wouldn't cover it. I went through quite the go around for several months with all of them before finally going to the health food store.

You?re right, Al. It eventually did get better.... but it still comes and goes. Next time it starts really hurting I?ll talk to the dr. about the drugs listed here.

Thanks everyone. :)


I can't take nexium or prilosec or protonics or that ilk. they destroy my digestive system and make me so sick to my stomach and intestines I can't even MOVE. hunched over in pain with gas and bloat and then trots. That the kind of side effect you're looking for? I list them on my allergies list.
Jim, can you tell me more about the "Side Effects of Nexium"? (I'm guessing that Prilosec would have similar effects...do you know if that is true?)

I know nothing about prilosec, but nexium gave me constipation; it's listed as a side effect on the printout from the pharmacy, about the fifth item, after diarrhea.
The guy that discovered Ulcers were caused by a Bacteria is from Perth! and he got a Nobel Prize for his work...you need antibiotics to fix these rotten things...it could well interfere with your INR but under your Docs watchful eye it shouldnt be a problem.
I agree with AL Rain, you need to heal it up so you do not have a bleeding episode. The meds to correct it will lower the INR...but you will up the dose.

Hope you are well otherwise. :) I am not on VR.com often. Email works.:D