
Valve Replacement Forums

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YES, we have several members from the UK as well as several representatives of the British Empire in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Africa.

'AL Capshaw'
Hi Katie,Since you were born with CHD and had several surgeries, I was wonderring if you found the forums at GUCH its for Grown up Congenital Heart patients, in the UK, you could probably find a few others that have gone thru simular things as you. Several surgeries and the things that can go along with dealing with it.
there also is a org in America for adults with CHD that has members from all over Both groups have alot of good info and members
Hi Katie

Welcome to the wondweful world of

I live in Liverpool and there are several other UK members, men women and children who have all had valvereplacement.

I joined in 2001 and had my AVR 2 Jan 2002 so have just had my 8th Anniversary

I have been lucky enough to have attended three VR Reunions in the USA and met many members many who have become close friends.

Once again welcome I am sure you will enjoy being part of the VR family

Hi Katie!

Yes. We have some great members from the UK and we also have people from all over the world that have similar heart issues. I would say that all of them are willing to share their knowledge and provide us comfort as we try to find answers to our own concerns.

Welcome aboard!
Hello Katie,
Sorry for the delay, had to dig my Lap top out of a snow drift .... I'm a Uk member of VR, from Cornwall... Welcome to the Forum, it's a useful and friendly place for all of us with dicky tickers !
We had about 8 inches of snow on Tuesday which has now turned to ice, and its so cold,
our city is at a standstill, no buses running today and most schools closed.
and to top it all our council has run out of grit

Jan XX
Hi Katie,

Welcome to the forum! I think you will find it very informative. We have a lot of wonderful, supportive people here! Yes, we have quiet a few UK members. I'm from Texas myself.

Please feel free to post anytime!
Hi Katie,

Great site isn't it !! Took me ages to find somewhere i could get good advice as not been too impressed with the nhs ;O) and in my experience certainly dont cater for the younger patients having valve replacements. I'm 39 and had mechcanical aortic valve dec\2007. No symptoms before didn't even know i had a problem till i went to the doctors with a cough and he said i had a heart murmur ........................

Anyway enough waffle - catch up on here at some stage, hope you still doing well.

Ruth x
Hi Katie,

I'm from glorious Lincolnshire, had my op 17 weeks ago and am recovering nicely. I have answered quite a few threads and have found this BB a very good source of information and help. It shows that we are not alone with our symptoms etc. and that nothing is new.
I wish you well.