Uh, isn't someone paid to watch for these...?

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As I've been resting (or restless, depending on one's point of view) since my gallbladder surgery December 30, I've had time to watch some of the Dukes of Hazzard episodes from Seasons 1 & 2. And, while I was watching a couple episodes from Season 2, I noticed this "glaring" peculiarity (among others, of course)....

In Episode 14, "The Runaway" (originally aired 01/11/1980), Daisy's yellow car dives over a cliff and explodes after the accelerator gets stuck while Bo and Luke are in it. That same episode, Daisy is given "Dixie", her Jeep, by the father of the runaway gal.

Skip ahead 4 episodes to Episode 18, "Find Loretta Lynn" (originally aired 02/08/1980), and what do we find ... Daisy's yellow car once again in the show.... At first, I wasn't sure that I had seen it correctly, but sure enough ... not only is it sitting in front of the Duke's farmhouse, but Bo and Luke jump into it at one point during the episode....

*shakes head*

Heh...it's these type of "storyline inconsistencies" that sometimes drive me crazy, even though I know they are everywhere...he he he. You'd just think that the editors/producers would be a bit more mindful of these ... and catch 'em.

Now, with that in mind, what oddities/inconsistencies have you spotted in TV shows or movies?

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"Hood slidin' like Bo Duke"...Dierks Bently...'What Was I Thinking?'
My husband also catches all mistakes made in tv shows and movies. It drives me crazy. I watch them for the pure enjoyment and then he will say hey that car was dented on the right side a while ago and now its dented on the left and I say so. Is it a guy thing? I feel like I am a pretty observant person but I dont watch shows to analyze them. Glad you are feeling better.
Movie Goofs!

Movie Goofs!

Hi Cort.....I know just what you mean! I'm also the sort of person who spots inconsistencies in TV Shows/Films. Does that mean we have sharp minds and eagle eyes...or do we need to get out more!:rolleyes:

Anyway...if you haven't already come accross it, thought you might like the following site. It is always kept up to date with the latest movies. Trouble is, when a new movie comes out, I find myself checking the site for mistakes and then looking for them when I get to see the movie! How sad is that!:D

I would chalk it up to another round of corporate cost cutting. Many years ago (in the early 1970's) a good friend's father made his living as a still photographer on movie sets. At the end of each filming session, his job was to photograph EVERYTHING from multiple angles, etc., so that when filming began again the new scene would be consistent with the previous. He made a good living at it -- so I would bet that the movie companies cut that service out of the budget to save the fees that they had to pay these contractors.

Ahhh, the wonders of the corporate life!

Terry, I don't think it is just a guy thing ... my sister is just as "bad". He he he

Maureen, I don't know about you ... but, in my case, I'm just sharp....

*grins devilishly*

As for that site, several people have shared that with me ... given the fact that people are hired to "catch" mistakes, it's hard to believe so many "get past" 'em ... maybe they should hire us? ;)

Steve ... that sounds like a great job ... wish I could get into that ... heh.