What a nightmare. After taking 3 months to convince our pediatrician (with help from other pediatrician in the office) he finally gave me referrals and scripts to have them done. I made the appts. I had my first of four kiddies echoed on Tuesday. Today I get a call from the secretary of my pediatricians office that the hospital (where the echo was done) is in a panic that they wont be paid from the insurance company because there is not enough information on the scripts. She told me to get my husbands cardio to write a letter that it is necessary for the kids to have this test. So now I had to cancel the two that were supposed to go tomorrow and the last one next week. I am so frustrated. The scripts said " echocardiogram to rule out BAVD " and "father just had heart surgery" So now I guess I have to print out all of the documentation that they should have this and send to the cardio so hopefully he will write the letter? any other suggestions?? Could you guys pass along the links again as to the studies showing this is genetic and children should be tested? Thank you!!