Hi everyone, I visited my Cardio for the results of my MUGA. Unfortunately I forgot to get a copy but will go back and get one this week.
He was very, very pleased with the results of that test, along with the blood work. Everything looked great. Doc was back to his old self, joking and kidding around with me. He had gotten very serious when things first started getting bad. His nurse also said that they had received a glowing report from the X-Ray Doc that reviewed my X-Ray. He said to continue the way I'm going but to still limit any heavy lifting as much as possible for now. He said it takes time to heal all that stuff that was moved around. He also said that if I felt up to it, I could start back with my Volunteer Fireman duties, just as long as I watch the lifting.
!!!!!! I feel great. Thanks again for all the prayers and good thoughts. Y'all and others were instrumental in helping us through this. I continue on the road to recovery. No Ross, this isn't my swan (or Swann) song. Ain't gona get shed of me that easy
May God Bless,
He was very, very pleased with the results of that test, along with the blood work. Everything looked great. Doc was back to his old self, joking and kidding around with me. He had gotten very serious when things first started getting bad. His nurse also said that they had received a glowing report from the X-Ray Doc that reviewed my X-Ray. He said to continue the way I'm going but to still limit any heavy lifting as much as possible for now. He said it takes time to heal all that stuff that was moved around. He also said that if I felt up to it, I could start back with my Volunteer Fireman duties, just as long as I watch the lifting.
May God Bless,