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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
Well friends, in less than an hour my husband and I will be off to B'Ham for admission today, pre-op preps, and confer w/ surgeon team. Will spend the night in the hospital and be ready for surgery early Thurs. morn. "Ya'll" have been a wonderful support team and have helped to make these grueling pre-surgery days more tolerable. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. Also, remember RandyL a fellow valver going through replacement tomorrow. Will keep you informed in post surgery forum. See ya on the other side!!
Sending best wishes to blessed 1416 and RandyL for surgery on Thursday. We look forward to all good results posted here!:)
Good Luck to ya again. I get to sleep at home tonight and be at the hospital at 0500 AM. I did my preop surgery check-in yesterday.
Good luck and God speed to you both. We'll be waiting to hear that you're out of surgery and on the road to recovery.
My thoughts and prayers are with both of you. Hope all goes very well every step of the way. You will want to get better fast so you can eat something besides UAB food :).
