Two black eyes!

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
I wish I had a scanner so I could post my picture today. I look like I've been in a fist fight and I lost! We are in the process of putting white vinly fence around our farm and last night I was up where my husband and son-in-law was working digging post holes. I was putting the white caps on the posts. Well, I turned around to go back to my four wheelar and got my foot caught in a root and fell flat on my face. I just knew I had broke my nose because I heard it pop. It scared my husband to death. He thought it was my heart. All he saw at first was me laying face down on the ground. Of course with a head or nose injury you bleed a lot. I had so much blood coming from my nose and head that we couldn't tell what was hurt the worse. By the time we got back to the house I was hurting really bad and Eddie said the cut was real deep so at 9:00 p.m. we made a run to the ER. The ER doctor put about 3-4 stiches in and said the nose wasn't broke, thank goodness. I guess what I heard pop was my glasses hitting my nose. Boy, this morning I look a mess. Both my eyes are almost swollen shut and they are turning compeltely black. Like I said I look like I've been in a fight. What a mess! Oh well, enough excitment for a while. I'm sure I'm going to get tired of explaing this to people. I may just stay in for about two weeks. LOL
My gosh, Glenda-

I'm so glad to hear that you are OK with just a few stitches. Just tell everyone that you had some "plastic" work done.
Oh my..

Oh my..

Glad you are ok, have to stay away from any fence post made by Mike Tyson..ok? They are mean. I know how you feel though..Ive done it as well but usually its my arms that get hurt and BRUISE??? Mike tyson time

I'm so glad you're OK!!! Just tell folks you were taking up boxing with a kangaroo and you lost! I'll bet you can come up w/ some pretty clever comebacks when people ask what happened.

Thank goodness you are okay and didn't break any bones in your fall!

I can imagine if you live in a small community the stories that will be going around about you and your black eyes! :) People LOVE to talk.

Take care -
Christina L.
Oh, Glenda, I'm sure you can come up with a better story than fencing if you try really hard.

I'm sure glad you didn't do any more damage than you did. But I bet those shiners are something else.

You should take a picture for posterity. Any day you're down in the future you could look at it and tell yourself that at least you don't look like that! :D

Take care of yourself and let the boys do the fencing. You sit in the rocker and enjoy watching.
Wow, Glenda!

Sounds like it's time to turn the air conditioner to "cold," and put your feet up and start sipping a nice iced tea and have a dainty plate of bonbons nearby! You deserve a rest! The last time my mother was running fence she was working with barbed wire and really wrecked her hands. I tangled with a barbed wire fence when I was younger, on a motorcycle, and still have some nasty scars to prove it. You wouldn't think vinyl fencing would be as dangerous!

Hope you feel better soon! Take care!


Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you didn't actually break your nose. How scary. A message that you need to slow down abit, ya think?

I'm glad you have made plans to hide out and take it easy. I hope you're good as new soon!

Hi Twin Sister

Hi Twin Sister

Can you read this? :p :p Sorry, about your accident. Gotta watch those roots.Farmlife is hard on the body... And why were you riding that 4-wheeler?..Remember what happen to Ozzy Osborne in England. :D :D You tke it easy..Bonnie
Thanks everyone for all your concern. I can laugh about it now and because of everything else that I have been through this is down right funny! :D :D

Georgia I guess I could tell everyone that I thought my husband said to Shut Up and I thought he said Stand Up. :) :)

Bonnie, yes I can read this. My glasses are sitting on the end of my nose. I can't wear them where they go. I do ride the four wheeler but not very fast yet. I've never rode it at anytime like Ozzie Ozborn rides his.

I had an oncologist appointment this morning and he wanted to know what the other guy looked like. Ha, Ha, funny, funny!

Susan, yes I've got more barbed wire scars from the past. Just mowing close to it usually got me skinned up. I'm so glad to get rid of it. It was five lines high so my husband sure had fun taking it down. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I think I'll wear my sun glasses when I go out now. That way I don't have to explain everytime I see someone or then I don't have to notice people staring at me and wondering "what in the world happen to that woman."
Glenda, bless your heart. You take care of yourself, and I agree with the others, you may need to slow down a bit.
Aunt Glenda,

I'm glad you're allright! Just reading that story made me hurt all over. :eek:
Oh Glenda, you silly sausage! I guess it just goes to show "you can't keep a good woman down" and with everything you've been through lately, you just keep on bouncing back.

Glad to hear it was nothing too serious, but honestly woman, take it easy!

All the best
Anna : )
In "old school" skateboarding that's what's known as a "face plant," ouch!

Maybe next time you should get a lawn chair and a tall glass of lemonade and "supervise" the yard work.

Or at least wear some safety goggles. :p

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