Twitching sensation

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Took myself to A+E today after feeling what can only be described as 'twitching' directly over my pacemaker. It seemed to start as soon as I entered a shop with those security barriers at the door but I have never ever in 25 years of having a pacemaker had a problem with such doors. :confused:
At first I thought the feeling was the button on my jacket flapping against my chest but no. So took myself to hospital and had an ECG etc. All the tests were fine and I was told to go home and report it if it happens again, which it hasn't. But it lasted about an hour. It's not the battery running down they say and is unlikely to be connected to my new valve. They said the pacemaker may be pressing on a nerve. But wonder why it started now? :confused:
Some of those places have electrical things in their doors or inside the place. Could this have done it? I remember when they used to have signs on doors that if you had a pacemaker, don't come in. Could this be one of those old doors? Only a thought. But don't go to that place again. I just bet it's nothing to do with the pacemaker, itself, but glad you got it checked out. If you find out what caused it, please let us know. Blessins to you, Brad.

I have an AICD (pacer and defib) single lead and the info with it said to not stand near those "security monitors" at most stores for too long. I got a "strange feeling" once when passing thru but none since then. My info also said to avoid the stereo speaker display rooms (guess y'all have some of those over there) or any other place that puts out a strong electrical current. I was told sometimes the "equipment" we wear is set too sensitive and can be "tuned down" to avoid most outside influences.

Good luck and,

May God Bless,


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