Twinges (Not in the Hinges)

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Recently I have experienced what I would call twinges in the area of the heart. Was wondering if anyone here has had similar sensations.

These are not pains, or even sharp twinges, but it is something I feel. Also felt a little fluttering when I was trying to go to sleep last night.

Several weeks ago, I took a very hard fall onto a wooden platform and had a big bruise in my ribcage area, on same side as the heart, scarily close. The twinges didn't start then, but have begun in past few weeks, just off and on.

I have done some Web surfing and I see articles indicating heart twinges are not usually symptoms of big trouble. But I am scared about my klutziness causing some sort of damage to my replacement valve/root. (Which also suggests the possibility the whole problem may be in my head, I realize.)

I have a regular checkup, mostly for bloodwork, with my GP on Thursday and I certainly will mention this to her. And I have an echo and visit with my cardiologist on June 9. So guess I will get some professional answers. Was just wondering if anyone in the family had experienced anything similar and what your advice might be.
I can't lend any professional expertise here but I would guess no damage could be done. I know my cardiologist said no heavy lifting or strenous activity till 12 weeks Post Op. Not only to let the sternum heel but to allow the valve to seat properly or grow into the heart. I don't know about what kind of damage could be done by falling. He just said no activity which involves you holding your breath or straining or struggling with something. "Don't do something that makes your face turn red (strenous)" he told me.

I cut my grass the other day (and I have a big yard) I was so damn tired afterwards and my heart was beating fast. All I could think is my valve has come loose. But he said I could cut the grass and do yard work after 6 weeks. I think my point here is that it could be your paranoid mind. It does get the best of me at times. I think doing something a little strenous here and there won't hurt you permantly, we all forget from time to time on our good days that we had OHS. I think the Doctors know we will do it from time to time just as long as it's not most of the time. From what I've read here and been told from Doctors that palpitations, fluttering and Twinges are a little normal soon after OHS.

If it worries you that much call your Doctor,that's what they are there for!
If it were me, I would already have been on the phone with the cardiologist's office. Not because I was frightened, but just because that is why they have a staff....... to answer questions like that. That is why we pay them gazillions of dollars over the years..... so we can feel comfortable calling and asking them questions for the rest of our lives. CALL THEM. Don't second guess!!

:) Marguerite
I kind of agree with Marguerite, Bob. June 9 is still a month away, so you might as well call and ask.
Please report back ;) ;) ;) after you call in (not that I think you won't call or anything :p :p ) and let us know what was said.

Go Cardinals!


If you are seeing your GP Thursday, that's only another 2 days....Then, she can decide if you need to see your Cardio..she can get you an appointment quicker anyway.. I have noticed when calling for an appointment..the message says..If you are a doctor..Press 1..if you are calling for an appointment. press 2.:p ........You are way out from surgery..I'm sure everything has healed by now.I'm sure you are fine. Let us know. bonnie
Thanks to all. I knew I would get some good advice. Can't mention heart twinges to my wife or there'd be ambulances pulling up to our house constantly. At this point, I think I will talk this over with my GP day after tomorrow. I promise if I have any alarming pains before then, I'll get right-away help. Thanks again.
Considering the fact that you have had a recent accident to the ribcage, I suspect that your twinges are are from the bruising you experienced... I hope that's all it is. Please keep us informed.
RobHol said:
Thanks to all. I knew I would get some good advice. Can't mention heart twinges to my wife or there'd be ambulances pulling up to our house constantly. At this point, I think I will talk this over with my GP day after tomorrow. I promise if I have any alarming pains before then, I'll get right-away help. Thanks again.

Good luck and please keep us posted on feedback from your GP and/or Cardio.

During points of high stress, etc. I thought I experienced similar feelings. More like a heart shudder vs. palp whereas the best way I can describe it is that I feel as though the entire heart moves within my chest.

I had read an earlier report that this may be true to to the fluid sack that normally surrounds the heart being cut open for the OHS. Over time the fluid levels return and we don't notice the heart movements as a result. Might be BS, but I read it about a year ago.
I bet stress has something to do with it. I felt the twinges several times during the church funeral service for my brother-in-law last Saturday. I kept thinking, wow what a terrible time it would be for me to have a medical emergency and be hauled outta here. I think it's something minor but with a psychological element that heightens the effect. Maybe I need to see a shrink. :eek:
I know that you said that in jest, about the shrink. But. Keep in mind that panic attacks are real things. And psychosomatic pains and illnesses are also very real. IF (note the caps, here) IF you find that you are having trouble coping with stress, and the stress is triggering these episodes of feeling unwell, perhaps some kind of professional should be considered. First, you would bounce all this off of your GP. So, try to encapsulate your recent experiences and relay them to your GP when you go in a few days. He/she may well suggest some relaxation techniques. Definitely mention it. Your doctor will know what kinds of questions to ask you about it all.

Good luck.

And I'm so sorry for your loss. Of course, that must have been a very difficult day for you and your family.


I appreciate your thoughtful observations. (Even though you are a Seahawks fan -- just kidding.) I was only half-jesting about the shrink. Believe me, I know there are such things as panic attacks. Before I was slated for my heart surgery, I had a bout of dizziness one morning dressing for work. I felt like I couldn't even stand up. My wife called the rescue squad and I took my first-ever ride in an ambulance to a hospital. My heart checked out okay, and the only thing the emergency doc could figure was that it was a flare-up of an inner-ear balance problem I'd had. But I'm sure I panicked from the dizziness, knowing that the cardio at that time was watching my heart enlargement carefully. Probably if I had been able to practice some deep breathing exercises and meditation, it all would have passed without so much trauma.

So I'll talk to my GP and see what she thinks.

Thanks -- and if the Redskins go to the Super Bowl this year I will feel much better. :D
Reporting Back

Reporting Back

Several of you sweet folks asked me to report back on this, so I am.

I had a nice talk with my GP and she said anxiety definitely could be a factor in this. She didn't prescribe anything new but did give me a three-month's refill on my sleep meds (Restoril) that are working for me, so that helps relieve a source of worry. Haven't been any heart pains and just a few twinges during a stressful trip this past weekend, so am waiting for the June 9 echo and cardio's evaluation.

Was good news in my bloodwork numbers (this is such a wonderful place to brag:D ). Cholesterol was 123 (target: less than 200). And A1C was 6.2 (target: less than 7.0). I had been diagnosed as type II diabetic when my A1C climbed to 7.7 -- so I am making progress with my new Splenda-ific way of eating. :D :D :D

This news in itself helps bring down the stress level. Thank you all so much for listening to me and being concerned....