turkish hammam after mechanical valve

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2016
India , Bangalore
Is this possible ? in general I love thai massages and hot stone massages, wanted to know if there are any contraindications
Is this possible ? in general I love thai massages and hot stone massages, wanted to know if there are any contraindications
I can't really see why it wouldn't ... I mean unless you mean in ICU
I mean I've had bicycle off's since my OHS, fell down slopes skiing and continue to ride a motorcycle?

What is your logic here? What do you see as the problem?
I can't really see why it wouldn't ... I mean unless you mean in ICU
I mean I've had bicycle off's since my OHS, fell down slopes skiing and continue to ride a motorcycle?

What is your logic here? What do you see as the problem?

there is no logic, I wanted to understand if any folks had any problems going to saunas or doing massages post op. Is there anything I must be aware of except taking warfarin and self testing
I wanted to understand if any folks had any problems going to saunas or doing massages post op.
I've never heard of it ... I mean from what aspect?

If this woman can climb Mt Everest after OHS then I would suggest anything is possible.


Do you have any understanding of how tough and challenging mountain climbing is? Have you not read of the dozens of posts here with people skiing? Do you understand how hard, how much shock and bump there is from that is on your body?

A human doesn't suddenly become a fragile mass of goo after OHS, if it did there would be huge warnings and cautions like "you can't do anything and must live in a bubble wrap" sort of instructions and guidance.

I say these things because I know you've been on this forum for quite some years now, posted and presumably read many things.

There must have been some reason in your mind that provoked you to ask.

To be clear, I've had chiropractic physiotherapy and massage many times ... compared to sports and other things that's like being gently touched.

Forgive me but I'm totally lost. Anways


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I've had a few dozen professional massages since surgery and I've done a hot sauna over 200 times since surgery. No issues. There are studies published in medical journals which show a significant decrease in cardiovascular events and all cause mortality with regular sauna use.

I see no reason why a massage would be an issue. Wait :unsure:. Come to think of it, maybe not such a good idea to get one of those massages in which they walk up and down on your back with their full weight, at least until about 3 months after surgery ;)
Come to think of it, maybe not such a good idea to get one of those massages in which they
Or one by Svletyana

harsh mistresses.jpg

Although I understand she's good with a tourniquet...
This lady is a great example for everyone. But she is not the only one. There were a couple of people on the German speaking forum that made it to base camp, no problem. Self management is the standard of care in Germany because this is where this was first introduced. I would make the point that with a a new valve there are many things that you can start doing you couldnt before. I dont think having a mech valve means that you are restricted in any way, so long you control the INR. Examples on the German board support this view.

I could never run for more than 5-10 mins, now I can do easily 30 minutes plus. We need to remember that these valves will basically really upgrade your cardio vascular system. But exercise is key.

I've never heard of it ... I mean from what aspect?

If this woman can climb Mt Everest after OHS then I would suggest anything is possible.

the much longer half life sorts of makes "a stable dose" as easier thing to establish (but brings other issues I'm sure).

ps: its also a bit unpredictable in europe what anticoagulant people take. France for instance doest its own thing (who's surprised), Finland uses warfarin, further east of germany uses Sintrom ... its madness
Is this possible ? in general I love thai massages and hot stone massages, wanted to know if there are any contraindications
Hi. I had OHS in Dec. 2019 at age 44. Aortic valve replacement with On-x and ascending aortic aneurysm repair. I love saunas and have used them my whole life. And I am happy tell you the surgery and warfarin have zero effect on my sauna time. I take 3 saunas every week. Temp 220-230F and three hot tubs as well at temps of 107-108F. No issues. Good luck!
Perhaps the OP was thinking that external heat and extreme relaxation in combo with the need to maintain INR could create a potentially dangerous situation with heart patients? As much as you can read here you can still tune out on things and misunderstand. Just reading is not enough for many people. There are different modalities at play and people get more from their modality of preference. A philosophy prof advocated lots of verbal conversation about philosophy to really understand it. Interacting in an online forum is reading and writing. I have written and read it and reread it yet didn't notice I left out words and my mind just filled them in. We don't know what we don't know. Participating in live verbal conversation is immediate feedback from others and you also hear yourself even those who have very little self-awareness get something unconsciously/subconsciously?

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