TTFN - off to Disney!!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
We are off to Orlando to visit Mickey and friends tomorrow morning so thought I'd say bye now and speak to you all when we get back!! We are very, VERY excited, although one of us (ME!) has decided to develop a fear of flying which is a slight problem right now but I'm sure I'll be fine when I get onboard and we're off. Be even better once we're landed though!! :)

Keep safe - I'd like to come back to only happy news on here please?!!

Love Emma
PS. Janet - enjoy our little fighter, Katie being home - will speak to you soon!!
If you see this before you go quick suggestion.
When you go into magic kingdom take the train by the entrance around to the back of the park, it's where mickey's house is. You can get in to see most of the characters before it gets crowded.

Have a blast.
I am so glad you decided to do this. It's very hot in Orlando, so be sure you ALWAYS have a bottle of water with you. Enjoy our beautiful Florida.

You'll love Disney. It's such a happy place and fun for everyone. There is a HUGE amount of walking to do, so if needed, look into a rental stroller. It is an enormous place. My grandchildren always needed one, even the older ones who could hitch a standing ride on the back of the stroller. Another thing is that wheelchairs have precedence in the waiting lines, so you might also consider looking into that for your child. And especially looking into seeing about a wheelchair from the entry trains to the park. I'm pretty sure most everything can be arranged there. They even have day care for visiting pets.

You should also look into getting a tour when purchasing your tickets, which will get you into the rides more easily. The waits in line can be so-o-o long and hot.

If you're staying "on campus" you can get everything taken care of at the hotel, I believe.

Have loads of fun!

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