Trying To Get Some Info On Aorta Blockage

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My brother in law had multple heart attacks 5 wks ago, when they did his heart stint surgery and angioplasty a piece of plaque peeled off and blocked the aorta also they found an anyerisum, 2.4. all in all they say he is not a candidaye for surgery because his heart is only pumping 40% . Has anyone heard of any of this. his feet and legs are turning purplish and like blotches . they said if he started getting black spots we would have trouble. he is on coumadin and hepburn and plvix. they said it might break lose from where it is blocked. has any one heard of this? i am so completely confused:rolleyes:
purplish feet/legs may be circulation lack but I don't know for sure. It sounds very serious to me. 40% is less than half of normal and that's not good. Perhaps the medicines they have him on will help him get past this critical stage where they can do further. He is in my prayers - as all of you are. Please keep us posted. In the meantime, I know others who know way more than I do will be along soon. Please keep us informed? God bless...
Where does he live

Where does he live

And what hospital is he in?

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