Trying to ban

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:( I cant belive the council is trying to ban christmas, its my faviourte time of year and they want us to call them winter lights :mad:
I just installed some new software which is for making cards, etc. I was browsing it and looked for the holidays. There was no listing for Christmas! There were holiday cards, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Season's grettings, winter, Cinco de Mayo, Chinese New Year, Thanksgiving, but no Christmas. Only when you went into the various lists were there one or two Christmas cards.

I couldn't believe it. Surprisingly, there was Easter.
Sad isn't it.....It will not stop until it's too late. I've gotten to the point where I'm tired of ranting and raving because nothing ever changes to the good.
I just went through a conversation at work about "Holiday" cards for our customers. Everyone was concerned because we have some customers (not many at all) who aren't Christians. There is a concern that we might offend these folks if we send them a Christmas card instead of a holiday card.
I work at a small company where everyone is a Christian of some denomination (sp?). My feeling is we celebrate Christmas so why shouldn't we wish our customers Merry Christmas? It's not as if we are trying to convert them or insult them, we are merely asking them to share in our happiness.
When a Christian gets married they don't have a mixed religous ceremony so as not to insult their non-Christian friends. No one seems to mind that so what is the issue about Christmas.

On the other hand, I was totally shocked to see Christmas/Holiday decorations, supplies, etc. at stores as early as September this year. What's up with that?
I was working at Marshall Field's on Sept. 15 and they were putting up their big Christmas shop. I couldn't believe it. I was so appauled I wanted to run around the area screaming "IT'S SEPTEMBER PEOPLE!!!!!"

We have some good friends that are Jewish - they send us Christmas cards each year. We send them holiday greeting with a Happy Hanukah. I think we would be fine and very accepting of other's religious holidays if our government (and the ACLU) didn't continually tell us that we should be offended. Our village puts up lighted sculptures in a large park near the downtown. It's quite fantastical. Each relgion is represented as well as the secular aspect - so far no one has complained - but we are in the land of Rob Sherman so it's only a matter of time.
Everybody's entitled to have our holiday celebrated in the way we care to. Hard to believe that Christmas has been left out, especially in the political atmosphere of the U.S. these days (but then, we all know that most of these programs are made elsewhere in the world). We, as individuals, must keep our own alive and well. As John F Kennedy said: NEVER DOUBT THAT A SMALL GROUP OF THOUGHTFUL, COMMITTED CITIZENS CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. INDEED, IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT EVER HAS. So be part of the group that works to get it back in the cards and celebrate away - complain where you can. All of us are entitled to our Christmas!

In the card programs change the 'season's greetings' to MERRY CHRISTMAS or GOD BLESS YOU THIS CHRISTMAS. I change the wording all the time. I know you do, too.
Karlynn said:
I was working at Marshall Field's on Sept. 15 and they were putting up their big Christmas shop. I couldn't believe it. I was so appauled I wanted to run around the area screaming "IT'S SEPTEMBER PEOPLE!!!
Thats nothing unusuall over here, shops always start stocking up in september and i always decorate outside my house, just after bonfire night with loads of CHRISTMAS lights:D