Trish's MVR on Monday, Feb. 11

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I'd like to wish you well before you have your surgery on Monday. I hope you have a successful operation, an uncomplicated recovery, and no further issues with your valve.:)
Take care and God Bless
Try to have a relaxing weekend. You'll be on the other side of the mountain very soon. Best wishes and prayers for a successful surgery.
Thank you, thank you

Thank you, thank you

I just got home from work. I had called my surgeon on the way home and got my time and place info from his office. When I got home and listened to my phone messages, a low-key messenger from the hospital had left the same info but the monotone changed at the end of that part and he said "Have a great weekend!" in the cheeriest of voices at the end. It made me laugh.
My nerves aren't as bad as I thought they'd be and some of the credit goes to all of you who are cheering for me. It's nice to have support from people who really know what I'm going through and can give advice and comfort.
Cherbam gave me lots of hospital hints about things I never would have come up with, like making sure your tray table gets properly cleaned to keep the germs away and making company wash up before they touch you with their sneeze inducing cooties. She looks great and has been an inspiration.
Wishing you a good weekend and a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. Hope you can have someone post for you as you know how we worry. Godspeed!
Trish.... Wishing you a smooth journey over the mountain and a speedy, uneventful recovery. We'll be waiting to read a great report on you.

I see you are in MA. In which hospital are you having your surgery?

Trish said:
...making company wash up before they touch you with their sneeze inducing cooties...


I love that! Great advice I think! Avoid those things! Hope all goes well for you Trish.
Thanks again

Thanks again

I have the feeling I'll be spending a bit of time on here over the weekend. It is reassuring to see how well so many people have done with their surgeries. And getting all your good wishes is comforting.

jkm7, I'm going to Beth Israel. My daughter is a nurse at Brigham (labor and delivery, thank God I don't need that!!) and I thought of going there but she said my cardiologist's choices were great, according to her research in there, and not to tinker with them. Believe me, I know how lucky we are here near Boston to have so many good choices available to us.

This will be my only surgery, other than the belly-button thing to remove my gallbladder twenty years ago. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, that I've been so healthy for 61 years that this will be a tune-up and good for another 61. Okay, maybe half that, but it'll be the best.



Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'