Has anyone of you have had symptoms of tricuspid problems diagnosed or repaired, or replaced? Last year through TEE Test I was told by my cardio that I had a tricuspid valve leaking, it wasnt a big deal to me because I did not know the difference between my mitral value replacement clicking or my TV leaking at that time. Recently, I was in the hospital for high fever and persistent cough, at first I was diagnosed in ER with phnemonia, x rays showed congestion. My primary and cardio were informed and told me that my
TV was leaking too much. My symptoms were coughing, left leg swollen and blood clot rashes, bloated stomach and sometimes my face would puff in the morning. My cardio said I may have to be opened up again ( MVR in 1995). I also have an A-fib that was never taken care of. My cardio has yet to discuss this with a surgeon and provide me with options. I do not know what questions I should ask my Doctor because I am just begginning to learn to know about this condition. My last year TEE report read that I had an enlarged right atrium. Tricuspid regurg of severe degree PA pres. 46mmGh. I have no idea about this figure. My cardio does not explain it very well to me. My last test has not come out yet. I'd like to know if someone of you has gone for repair or replacemnt. My cardio was talking of putting in a ring. I'm confused. Please advise.
TV was leaking too much. My symptoms were coughing, left leg swollen and blood clot rashes, bloated stomach and sometimes my face would puff in the morning. My cardio said I may have to be opened up again ( MVR in 1995). I also have an A-fib that was never taken care of. My cardio has yet to discuss this with a surgeon and provide me with options. I do not know what questions I should ask my Doctor because I am just begginning to learn to know about this condition. My last year TEE report read that I had an enlarged right atrium. Tricuspid regurg of severe degree PA pres. 46mmGh. I have no idea about this figure. My cardio does not explain it very well to me. My last test has not come out yet. I'd like to know if someone of you has gone for repair or replacemnt. My cardio was talking of putting in a ring. I'm confused. Please advise.