Within the last month, have you avoided people, places or things that remind you of a stressful experience that you’ve had? Have you been bothered by repeated, unwanted or disturbing dreams or memories of the stressful event? Has your mood or the way you interact with family or friends changed? Have you been on edge about things that never used to bother you? These may be symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). What do you do? Where do you turn?
Make an appointment with your doctor so you can discuss what you’re feeling and get a medical opinion about what you have. Let’s assume that your doctor gives you a preliminary diagnosis of PTSD. The next thing he tells you is that he wants you to see a mental health professional to further evaluate your symptoms. Additionally, if PTSD is confirmed, your doctor wants this mental health specialist to treat you for the disorder.
Lots of questions are, or should be running through your head about now. Why should I get treatment? When should I get it? Where can I get it? What does this treatment look like? How long does it take? And, will it work?
The answers to your “why” and “when” questions can be found in your personal behavior and moods. PTSD symptoms can affect your life in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. They can affect your personal life and cause you to withdraw from your natural support system, your family. They change how you view, interact with and perceive the people and the world around you. “When” is now. The longer you wait the more severe and unpredictable your symptoms can become and they will cause greater interference with your quality and enjoyment of life.
Read entire article here.
This is not a spam post or a paid advertisement. We just want to help those who are suffering from mental health issues.
Make an appointment with your doctor so you can discuss what you’re feeling and get a medical opinion about what you have. Let’s assume that your doctor gives you a preliminary diagnosis of PTSD. The next thing he tells you is that he wants you to see a mental health professional to further evaluate your symptoms. Additionally, if PTSD is confirmed, your doctor wants this mental health specialist to treat you for the disorder.
Lots of questions are, or should be running through your head about now. Why should I get treatment? When should I get it? Where can I get it? What does this treatment look like? How long does it take? And, will it work?
The answers to your “why” and “when” questions can be found in your personal behavior and moods. PTSD symptoms can affect your life in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. They can affect your personal life and cause you to withdraw from your natural support system, your family. They change how you view, interact with and perceive the people and the world around you. “When” is now. The longer you wait the more severe and unpredictable your symptoms can become and they will cause greater interference with your quality and enjoyment of life.
Read entire article here.
This is not a spam post or a paid advertisement. We just want to help those who are suffering from mental health issues.