Travelling with Test machine

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Hi folks.
Have been off the air for a time with ISP problem but back at last.
I am planning a business (mainly) visit to the US in February 2004. At present the itinerary takes me to Phoenix, Seattle, Denver and home again to Melbourne, Australia.
I self test with a Coaguchek machine.
My query is, do you anticipate I will have airport security or other problems travelling with a suspicious looking piece of Coaguchek machinery? Can I carry it as cabin luggage or will it have to go into my suitcase? Now this is an expensive little thingy and I don't like to let it out of might sight too often.

Has anyone experienced problems carrying Coaguchek or Protime as they travel around USA or elsewhere?
Any other coumadin related travel tips?

Also is it true that Denver-Colorado is the site for the 2004 reunion?
If this is so, as a graduate of CU Boulder (Ed. D 1983) I will try to ensure I have business to do in Colorado at that time. Dates?
Regards from OZ
You shouldn't. These look much like testing machines diabetics and others use and zillions go through airports daily. In fact, it is a very common site at airports.

I take my Coaguchek with me on internnational trips all the time.
Hi Greg,

I have the Protime unit, and travel often on business. I take it with me if my trip is over a week long. I have not had any problems at the airports with the equipment. I take the unit onboard with me. There have been times when I had to open it, and start it, and other times when I just had to run it through the security x-rays just like my lap top computer.

I also checked with QAS when I first started to travel with it to make sure the unit was safe to put through those x-ray machines. They advised that there is no issues with that.

Hope this helps and have a great trip!

On thing that seems to help get through security is taking the batteries out of stuff. Even if both are in your carry-on.


How often does your Card. or clinical nurse ask you to test? Have you been in range for a long time? How long will your trip be to U.S.?If less than 3 weeks and you are in a long time good range..You should be fine until you get home.... I feel that it would be a hassle to take my Protime with me if I was only going to be gone 2-3 weeks. If my last Protime reading was normal the day I left.Bonnie
I don't know about that, Bonnie. The thing about travel, at least for me, is that my eating habits change so much because I tend to eat out instead of fixing my own food (or making hubby fix it). So I tend to go out of range when on vacation. This past summer, when I went on a cruise (only 5 nights), I took my ProTime with me. Sure enough, I was out of range... Could have had something to do with all the delicious salads they kept feeding us... ;) Of course, I probably could have known that WITHOUT the check, but I may have tried to delude myself so I could keep eating what I wanted...

Anyway, just my two cents...
I actually use the test results to adjust my EATING, not my dosage. I don't change my dosage unless I'm out of range for a long time. I tried going two weeks without testing, and went WAY out of range, so I don't do that anymore. After having had internal bleeding that requires 4 units of blood to be transfused, I think I am justified in my obsessiveness...
*Orders Les a box of lancets to prick his fingers with for Christmas* :D

*Suspects Les of being a self mutilator*
Just another boring question

Just another boring question

Have all of you with self-testing machines insured them? They should be listed on an inland marine policy or rider so they're covered for loss from a MUCH wider group of perils (all risk) and you won't have a deductible. Furthermore, most companies don't count losses under inland marine when they're looking at your experience so you wouldn't have a problem with your homeowners policy if you filed a claim.

You'll pay a small amount of premium for a lot of coverage.

What could we have expected other than you would do the mirror image of everyone else?


Thanks for the input guys.

Seems travelling with the Coaguchek machine will not be a great drama. The issue is do I need to take the machine?
I plan to be away for 3 perhaps 4 weeks maximum. My doc seems to think once a month test is OK. I like to test every two weeks just to be sure. My target range is 2.2-2.8 and I am normally in range. Recently I have been toward the low end and might need to adjust dose a little.

However on my last OS jaunt (Indonesia for 3 weeks) I tested at 4.7 on my return. Settled back to range after slight dosage change but my doctor indicated that I may have been playing out on the freeway for a time. Had I been testing I could have adjusted diet or dose sooner. Ironically I actually had the machine in my bag but at the airport decided 3 weeks was not too long away and had my wife take it home with her.

On balance (at least for now) I think I should take the machine with me.

Now the issue of insurance. That's a new one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I will do some policy checks to see what gives.
Thanks again
Travel broadens the mind but loosens the bowels. Diarrhea is a major cause of elevated INRs. I'd take it.
I'm thinking about starting as list of "Lodwickisms." (Probably because I don't want to forget them before I get to use them myself.) The most recent one above really tickled me. In future, however, before I read your posts, I think I'll just slip into some Depends."
Al may have made a funny, but, Blanche, YOUR comment was the one that made me laugh even harder. :D

And Al, I wouldn't be me if I didn't do things backwards! ;) At least I have an excuse... Some people are just weird... (I am not naming ANY names) :D
From now on I'll be Dependable Al.

Gnusgal, Have you ever been Alice in Wonderland for Halloween?
You know, Al, I hadn't ever thought of being Alice. Maybe next year... :D (You all have WAY too much fun with my being backwards, you know...)
Today a lady came to my clinic and was all out of breath. I asked her how she was doing and she said that her knees hurt. I started laughing and pointed out that even though she was 75 she was able to walk fast enough to get out of breath on "bad knees".

She replied that she lives in a senior citizens home and just about everyone else is in a wheelchair or walks with a walker. She said that she can't get any sympathy from any of them about her aching knees. I laughed and replied, "Well you ain't getting none around here either."

Why I even know a funny story about a guy with a detached retina.

I take my share of bald jokes.

I figure if you can't change it, then you had better laugh about it or else you will end every day frustrated.
The one I ALWAYS get, is "Do you have to do the pledge backwards?" I don't quite get it, but most people think of that first. The thing is, when I was little, my parents used to joke about that. So when I got to preschool I DID do the pledge backwards (not the words, just my hand ;) ). And I got in trouble! The teacher told me I was doing it wrong, and even though I kept insisting my heart WAS on that side, she continued to not believe me (go figure). My mother had to set her straight. But ever since then, I always do the pledge the way everyone else does... :D

(Al, just so you know, I take NO offense whatsoever to any of your comments. I joke about being a "mutant" all the time. Last weekend someone asked me what planet I was from. ;) ).
Travel with machine

Travel with machine

Now, I asked a simple question about travelling with a coaguchek machine.
Where did this end up? Some discussion about out of breath 75 year old bald mutants reciting the pledge backwards whilst wearing a particular kind of underwear I think???
:confused: :confused: :D :D
Boy oh boy you really do get some "value added" from the discussion on this list.
My wife read the whole thread. Almost had to go for the Dependents!!
Guess I will still travel with the machine just in case.
Just what did that guy say about laughter and medicine?
We should probably publish the threads.

Those "stream of consciousness" writers of the 20th Century made a lot of money.