Travel ???'s

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My 19 yr old son Matt will be going to England in March (stress and nerves already kicked in) He has never traveled out of country nor without one of his parents.

Matt has 2 mechanical valves, aortic and mitral, he is on coumadin and is an adult (oh my!) CHDer.

My question is or should I say concern, is there usually any problems with the length of the flight or anything else?????

And yes Emma, I am sending you info on him! lolol I will write to you when I have all the dates and facts in place.


My husband has two prosthetic valves as well. We have, since his surgery traveled twice to Europe. The following suggestions are to be taken as that...just suggestions:

#1. Tell him he MUST walk around every 45 minutes to an hour. This will void the blood pooling in his legs, and a possible DVT. Also helps to avoid fluid build up in the feet.

#2. MAKE SURE he has all of his medications in his back pack. He needs to carry them on. He should also have his Medical ID card in his wallet at all times, identifying him as a prosthetic heart valve patient, and that he is on coumaden.

#3. American Express sells travel insurance that covers health expenses when over 150 miles away from home. I think it costs around $100.00. We have it, and I feel that particularly when traveling out of the country, it is important to have a back up. Call them for what they cover. They even pay for the plane fare for a close relative to come to them. Transportation, hospitalization, etc. up to $100,000 I think is the limit. Money well spent.

#4. Have him drink lots of water for the few days before flying.

#5. Have a great time, but rest when you need to.

I hope the above helps. - Marybeth
Britain's one of the very best places he could go. I really wouldn't worry at all about him over there. I wouldn't hesitate to go anywhere in the British Isles.

Certainly the advice about flying is good. And have duplicate everythings, including meds. And it wouldn't hurt to have a contact for him to call in case he loses his meds (Aw, mom . . .)
You don't say how long he plans to stay?Has he arranged to have his INR tested over there?..Also, you don't say how long he's had his valves?Long enough to be mature enough to take his coumadin?.........Remember the time change..I think it is 8 hours..Bonnie