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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands (British Isles)
As a newcomer here I find some of the abbreviations used confusing, especially as the US and UK have different terms. Is there, or could we have, a list of abbreviations?

For example to day I have seen PH, now to me ph is a measurement of acid levels and I am sure that isn't the case here.

If there is already a list can you point me at it?

Many thanks.
I know little

I know little

PH = Pulminary hypertension
SOB = Shortness of breath
TOE = Trans Oesophogeal Echocardiogram
AF = Atrial Fibrilation
AVR = Aotic valve replacement
MVR = Mitral valve replacement
Except that in the States we use "TEE" - Trans Esophageal Echocardiogram; ok - so we're philistines.;)
Thank you

Thank you

Thanks for the link. I was sure it had been covered at some time. Most were familiar, or I could work them out, it was the PH which floored me!

So the US 'PCP' is the equivalent of the British 'GP' (general practitioner).
Gor Blimey Mrs. 'iggins!!

Gor Blimey Mrs. 'iggins!!

Haha! Is this where Mary Poppins starts singing "You say PCP and I say GP......, You say Cath and I say Angio" Tra la. No I haven't been drinking, I'm just tired and bored and posting this gobbledigook because the rest of the family are watching football on Match of the Day. I really should get a life.....
a couple more:

MS Mitral stenosis
MI Not only refers to heart attack but can refer to Mitral Insufficiency as well which is the same as Mitral regurgitation
RHD Rheumatic Heart Disease
AI Aortic Insufficiency (same as aortic regurgitation)
Teresa UK said:
Haha! the rest of the family are watching football on Match of the Day. I really should get a life.....

We in the States are all watching football today too only the ball is brown and pointy and some of us watch mostly for the commercials and to see if anything will pop out at halftime.