Trace, mild, moderate, severe

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Hello everyone,

I'm scheduled to see my cardiologist soon to see if we can get to the cause of my symptoms. I was wondering how soon will a doctor operate to repair or replace a valve. Last year my mitral valve showed mild regurgitation on an echo report. I'll be requesting another echo when i visit my doctor and will see if and how much it may have advanced. I was told by Dr. Gammie's nurse in MD, that its best to have surgery early rather than later.

What has been your experience? At what stage did you have surgery and what does +2, or +3 etc mean? Do they state the regurgitation as 'trace, mild, moderate, severe etc? I'm not sure what to expect but I shall keep you posted after my appointment.

Thank you all so very much for your support and feedback!

Won't really know anything till you get the cardio's office and get whatever test done. Then you will know what state the valve is in. Just try to take some breathe's and relax. You are worrying about something that is not verified yet. Take it easy till you get there.
which nurse?

which nurse?

Which of Benny's nurses are you? The ornery one he had at the NHS or the one with the short dress at the private clinic? ;)

Have a look at this pub:

and get a copy of your next echo report - it will help you figure out where you are.

Thank you Caroline, Your right, I shouldn't worry so much.

I'm typically very active, run 4 miles every other day, but this past week, I have very little energy to the point where i have asked for help from family.

Thank you Bill, the information you posted was really informative. I appreciate that very much.

My mitral is described as mod/severe and has been since probably before my last AVR in 2000. I was too bad off for my surgeon to replace it with mechanical at the same time he replaced my aortic porcine with mechanical.
I take 100mg Cozaar daily to hopefully keep the mitral at mod/severe. The studies have been with taking blood pressure type drugs and aortic valves, so my surgeon and cardio figure it could help put off the mitral leakage getting worse,too. When do they decide it's leaking bad enough for surgery?
I get an echo done yearly, and they look for enlarged left ventricle, so far mine is in normal peramiters. I am to exercise regularly so I will recognize when my symptoms might worsen while doing my normal exercising.