Tooth Problems anyone.

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
New York, NY
On Feb 20 I had my Mitral Valve repaired. I believe the operation went well. However I had a lot of G. I. problems. About 1 month after my heart surgery I had to have a colonoscopy. Now my dental problem has come back. I had to cancel my heart surgery twice because of dental pain. I have had 2 root canals which I probably did not need. I might have TMJ but not sure. I have been to so many dentists and no help. So I was wondering if anyone has had tooth problems after surgery and what they were.
Sorry Harmony no advice for you i fit the denture scene;)
but wanted to say hi,havent read you in awhile other
than teeth problems you are doing well since surgery i assume
so good to see you here......Hello:)
Hi Zipper nice to hear from you. Someone posted a article today or yesterday about being depressed after OHS,
I think that happens to a lot of us, I saw my surgeon today as I want to go for mamogram and the scare on my right breast looks nasty but he said it would be all right. I think its hard for some of us to understand what we went through. Hope things are going well ith you. Will be in touch
Harmony, I saw this earlier today and I was hoping someone would ask what is TMJ? It's almost my spouses initials :eek:

But I think I tend to agree with you about having more dental problems since surgery. Got one tooth, maybe two that have had a root canal done and they still bother me, especially with sweet & sour things.
I had root canal done yesterday! I think our ammune systems are a bit broken down after major surgery and every time you take antibiotics for which ever reason it also affects your teeth and ageing...

so floss, visit your Dentist twice a year and invest in a good toothbrush and something to rinse your mouth with afterwards.