Tooth Ache

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2008
Northern Ontario, Canada
Hi everyone haven't been on for a while sorry, I missed you. Started a toothache last night, first thing this morning I called my dentist to see him since I was in pain, this would be my first visit since surgery, a bit scared.
The receptionist then informed me that there wasn't much they could do for me now because I was on coumadin and I would have to stop taking coumadin for 5 days before they could extract my tooth. I was freaking, called my doctors office the secretary wouldn't let me see him so I called my cardiologists office the receptionist there told me that he would take care of that, he would be calling the dentist and inform him of what he should do and also inform him on if it's safe for me to stop or not, she said not. Still in pain and waiting for telephone calls, hope everything can get fix soon, this is driving me insane thinking of going to the dentist would be a pain like that.
Sorry just venting, just made me soooo mad that nobody could help me.
Five days? So they like to do extractions on people who are possibly going to have a stroke at any time, if they haven't already!

I am going to be having a wisdom tooth, or a molar ( not sure which it is) pulled out in November and when I asked about my INR and told the dental surgeon my range is 3.0-4.0 he said that isn't a problem. I need to have my INR checked the same day, before the extraction, and he would remove the tooth and stitch it with special packing. He said there is no need to stop the warfarin at all.
I had two extractions with an INR of 2.5.

I had two extractions with an INR of 2.5.

Hi everyone haven't been on for a while sorry, I missed you. Started a toothache last night, first thing this morning I called my dentist to see him since I was in pain, this would be my first visit since surgery, a bit scared.
The receptionist then informed me that there wasn't much they could do for me now because I was on coumadin and I would have to stop taking coumadin for 5 days before they could extract my tooth. I was freaking, called my doctors office the secretary wouldn't let me see him so I called my cardiologists office the receptionist there told me that he would take care of that, he would be calling the dentist and inform him of what he should do and also inform him on if it's safe for me to stop or not, she said not. Still in pain and waiting for telephone calls, hope everything can get fix soon, this is driving me insane thinking of going to the dentist would be a pain like that.
Sorry just venting, just made me soooo mad that nobody could help me.


I just had two extractions done a couple weeks ago with an INR of 2.5 and there was little or no bleeding. My regular dentist wanted me off Coumadin as well but I refused and went to an oral surgeon instead. That all took a while and in the mean time I was on antibiotics and pain meds as well. The oral surgeon asked to talk to my cardiologist when he heard I am on 17mg Coumadin per day. I spoke to the cardio first though and he agreed with me that it is totally unneccessary to take a patient off Coumadin for extractions. I also had to have a faulty bridge removed (that was held by the two teeth that needed extracting) and two abscesses cleaned. Tomorrow will be two weeks since the extractions and I am doing fine.

There are quite a few threads about extractions while on warfarin. Go up to Search in the top toolbar and do an advanced search, using "tooth" as the keyword.

Read through the responses and look for ones by KristyW. She works for a dental practice.
I am not aware of anyone ever having bled to death from a tooth extraction because they were on Coumadin, and could find nothing on the web to bolster such a claim. Ask your dentist if you should have to risk a stroke to have a tooth pulled.

Call another dentist to have it done, if he keeps hemming and hawing. You can go back to your own dentist for other things if you want. You should ensure your INR is down to a reasonably low (but safe) level, and be prepared to tell the dentist what it is.

Here's a link to a chart for dentists from Warfarinfo:

Best wishes,
Before my extraction, my dentist asked me two questions:

1. When did you have your last INR? (2 weeks ago)

2. Were you in range? (yes)

I think it's amazing that your dentist (or his receptionist) has already decided that you need an extraction before even seeing you. I'd be looking for another dentist.

Ross is the only person that I've heard who had trouble with bleeding and he had ALL of his teeth extracted.
His trouble wasn't the pulling, if I recall, but actually due to them leaving a jagged piece behind - which would have caused anyone to continue to have problems.

Best wishes,

A co-worker had a toothache several weeks ago. Saw dentist on a Friday. He put her on amoxi (also gave her some pain meds), then she had the tooth pulled. He would not pull it until she had the amoxi in her bloodstream for several days, don't remember how many.
I've had an extraction done with no problems. Fortunately my dentist is enlightened about Coumadin. He packed the site with gauze and gave me some extra to take home to repack it later if need be. It was fine within an hour or so. My dentist called me at home later that evening just to make sure all was well.

He does insist that I premedicate before any procedures. I use Clindamycin because I'm allergic to penicillin.


There's absolutely NO REASON to withhold your Coumadin/warfarin for any amount of time if you're in range for a simple extraction. Like the others have said, you need antibiotics if you have any kind of infection, but the DDS should see you for an x-ray to determine that. I'm sorry, but the receptionist/front desk clerk has no business telling you that they can't do anything until you're off your meds. Talk to the dentist! (I'm a front desk/receptionist and I'd NEVER say that to a patient.) Only the DDS can determine that the tooth needs to come out.
I finally got in to see the dentist today had x-ray done and the tooth has to come out. But nothing can be done right now, I have to take antibiotics for 10 days first, and the dentist is waiting for my cardiologist to call with some info, he doesn't want to risk anything. Feeling a bit better about the whole situation. Thanks everyone for your comments i'm determined not to stop my coumadin.;

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