Too many meds and side effects

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Der Biermeister

All prescription meds have side effects. Usually, things like "dizziness" and "weakness" head the list.

With bp medicines, I've been told that dizziness can only occur IF the bp gets driven too low.

I am questioning that standard (canned?) response. If someone (like me) is on a LOT of different meds, is it possible to get dizziness and/or weakness symptoms even when the bp is normal or even a bit high? I guess I mean can the chemicals themselves interact with each other to do things like this?
Right now, the meds in question for me would be: Norvasc (10mg), Cozaar (100 mg), Toprol (50 mg), Bumex (2 mg), Vytorin (10/20, Potassium (20 meq), and aspirin (325 mg).

This last week, I've had two dizzy spells (lasting only a few seconds) and general lightheadedness most of the time. Plus a lot of PVCs. This is NOT me -- and the only thing I can put my finger on is all the meds I take. The cardiologist's office doesn't seem too concerned. I have no idea how we'll ever find the culprit RX in this maze of drugs.
Yeah, I had a bit of dizzyness, the cardio just said that since my bp wasn't too low, it'd probably pass (it did after several months) and they want to support the heart during recovery as much as possible.

The lightheadedness sounds like a virus or sinus issues - allergies? I often get that feeling when I have a cold coming on or getting a sinus infection, or even have allergies kicking in. You might want to check it out, or try taking claritin for a week (I know, claritin says it can cause dizziness, too, but if you have allergies acting up it'll clear up the lightheadedness; and claritin won't bump up your bp).

Recovery is tough.
I'm sorry i can't really answer your questions but was wonderring if you ever talked to your pharmacist, i take lots of pain meds and everyonce in a while go thru the list w/ mine and make sure of interactions ect, so it might be worth a try, lyn

Good points. I have similar concerns. The cardio and GP seem not much concerned about possible ill effects of multiple meds. I concede that there's a rationale for every one I take, and they may do me good, on balance. Still...

Last week, a nurse who calls regularly from my insurance co's wellness program suggested going to the pharmacist with a list of the meds and asking that they run a protocol on possible interactions among these meds. She said they will do this as a service. Sounds like a good idea but I confess I haven't got around to doing it -- yet. Thought I'd mention the idea....
Thank you all for your replies.

Lyn and Bob -- great advice and I'll do it.

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