TomG's One Month after OHS for Mitral Valve Repair

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Active member
Jul 31, 2012
Collingdale, PA USA
Hello to all,

Well it has been exactly a month ago today I had my OHS and my mitral valve repaired. I must say that the recovery is a lot harder than I thought that it would be, at least for me. For one thing my right arm has been bothering me ever sine the OHS, as it is numb in a few spots as well as I get a pain that gets worse and where I have to try and not move it and at that point I usally take an Advil which gets rid of the pain but not the numbness. I also still have issues with trying to sleep at nights, infact I either try and go to sleep on my recliner or my sofa and it at times is hard to fall asleep. I do two walks a day, which the distance must be a half a mile round trip, however I have to stop several times to take a break. My blood pressure seems to be running on the low side as I had problems with that while I was in ICU. I also had problems with my oxygen level while in ICU, infact I was told typicaLLY a person stay in ICU for one to two days but I was in ICU for four days, as I even developed fluid in my lungs and that had to do a broniscope to suck all the fluid and I was told that even part of my left part pf my left lung collapsed. Then when I seen my surgeon about two weeks after my surgery he found more fluid in the left lung and he had to drain it using a cather, which he was able to do in his office and to my amazement he took out 52 ounzes of fluid.

As of today October 13th, 2012 all in all I am doing fairly well and I think as more time passes the better I will get. As I have seen just how far I came by the photos that my friend took from right before the surgery up until about a week or so later. I found that the biggest help to recovery is too try and keep busy which helps you keep your mind focused on other things besides just trying to recover.

I can sympathize with your arm pain. Mine was more in my back...under my shoulder blade was awful! I am lucky enough to have a sister in law who does therapeutic massage. I highly recommend matter what the cost!
Favoring the hurt arm may not be the best course of action. I bad shoulder pain and was given exercises in the hospital for my shoulder pain by a physical therapist. These really helped but it took many weeks. You may want to contact your surgeon for a referral to a physical therpaist. In addition, I did cardiac rehab and the stretching excercises and light workout helped both my shoulder and other areas.