Toe nails....

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Do to some heriditary factor......the women in my family have thickened and ingrown toe nails on our "big toes". My cure has been monthly visits for pedicure to cut them out. Unscathed too. Well, I stopped this winter and one of the areas is very thickened and slightly painful. It does not appear to be infected.

My mother had a quick proceedure at a poditrist to kind of shave up that portion of the nail. Has lasted a number of years. She claims there was no bleeding involved. It's looking more and more like I need to consult very soon. Anyone have this completed on Coumadin? Wonder if premeds would be a good idea? Sure they can't hurt.


I have a toenail like that on my right great toe. It is a hereditary thing like yours. I had it tested for fungus and it was totally free of it.
I think mine not only gets ingrown but because it is thickened, it receives pressure from the top of my shoes. I pretty routinely file it down across the surface of the nail to make it less thick, then I take a heavy duty nail cutter (one that looks like a pliers) and cut both of the corners at an angle almost like you were going to have an exagerated square cut on a manicure. After I do that I take a scraper and try to make the nail thinner from under the end of the nail by removing any softened material. It sounds like a lot of work but once you've done it the next time is really fast.

One of my sons had a toenail surgery similar to what you are describing after he had an injury that split his nail and each half was growing at a different rate. He had minimal bleeding with it. One side never did grow back. He thought that was fine though because he was a kicker in football and would kick barefoot off that area of his foot. I don't even know if people kick barefoot anymore.

I do know that before I started doing the above I sometimes would have a very painful toe. My other great toe is like it but to a much lesser degree and I have never had to do anything special to that.

P.S. I don't want to give up my occasional pedicure though.

For my lip cancer surgery tomorrow they are having me pre-medicate with Keflex.
Hi Betty,

All the best to you tomorrow. Early detection is the key. I am certain all will be well.

Yes, it's my right "great toe" Or great pain shall I say, LOL. Gave up the pedicures since it's been so darn cold. Usually wear flip flops when I leave. Don't have the time to sit around and wait for them tooties to dry;)

I tried trimming myself a few times and just hacked it. My lady is real good at grabbing the ingrowns. We are expecting snow tonight. Maybe if I can get a parking spot in front tomorrow.... the flip flops will not be too bad in the snow :D. I did do this once under protest. Was desperate :-0

Thanks for your input Betty. Please take care and keep us posted on your surgery. Did you decide to stay on the Coumadin?
Left Big Toe

Left Big Toe

All the males in my family have the same problem with the big toes on our left feet. Wierd hereditary thing I guess.

I got tired of dealing with it so I had the foot Dr. remove the stupid thing. It bled a lot, and hurt like hell but hasn't been a problem since.

Best thing I ever did..
*Please tell me these people aren't going to start posting pictures of their toenails*
No photos Ross:D

Thanks Hank. Did you have the proceedure on or off Coumadin? Sounds like I will pre-med!

Have an appointment next week just for observation. Taking a vacation at the end of the month so I don't want to mess around with it. They said they can remove the ingrown just like they do with a pedicure......then I can make another appointment to have it sliced out when we return. Other "great toe" looks like it may be an issue too. Might as well have them do them do both at once:)
On Coumadin

On Coumadin

I stayed on coumadin for the procedure. Did not pre-medicate either. The foot Dr told me there was no need and it made sense to me.
OK, guys,

I can handle the most detailed heart surgery discussions, but this toenail stuff is grossing me out. Does anyone have any leftover Xanax?

Sorrrrrrrrrreeeeeee Bill. Sending some Xanax your way. Hey, your not the one having your nails trimmed back;)

Hank, thanks. Glad it worked out for you. I will insist on remaining on the Coumadin. How long did the bleeding last?

The bleeding shouldn't last more then a few seconds from what I've seen. They apply some stuff to it that acts as clotting or cauterizing agent. Stops the bleeding real quick!
My Dad's operation... no meds, no bleeding.

My Dad's operation... no meds, no bleeding.

Hey Girlfriend!

My Dad had a couple ?thickened? toenails and I have one too. I?ve wondered if it was somehow related to the Marfan?s thing we have going on. Because the toe is shaped a little weird at the end... Ryan has a little finger that is a little weird and the cardio told me that it is a Marfan?s characteristic. So see there, Bill......... maybe we can talk ugly toenails and heart problems all in the same forum!!! :p Ryan's finger isn't really deformed... its just bent in half at the knuckle. I took him to a specialist when he was only about 15..... the guy wanted to cut it off!! He said it was a deformity that would always cause him problems.. he says, look at your son... he can't even put his hand in his pocket." Well... SO WHAT!!!!! Needless to say... Ryan still has his finger! I took him to another specialist later who said it could be fixed with surgery... what a bozo... some doctors have straw for brains!

I?ve always dreaded cutting my thickened tonail, because it feels like my toe nail is going to break in half every time I do! I have been filing the top down for a couple years now... that makes easier. I?m gonna try Betty?s technique.

Maybe we all need an electric drill........ :p A few years before my Dad died.... we were visiting at my parent?s house one day... My Dad comes in the kitchen where we were all sitting around a table and told my husband that he needed a little help. This was a little strange.... my Dad rarely asked anyone for help. Of course Vergil gets right up and follows my Dad in the other room.... and my boys tag right along. They were probably about 8 & 10 at the time. Not much time goes by before we hear a drill and all kinds of commotion coming from the other room. My Mom, sister and I rush in to see what?s going on. There is my Dad with his foot up on a small table and Vergil, using an electric drill with a sander on the end.... SANDING ON THE TOP OF MY DAD?S TOE NAILS!! Ever once in a while my Dad would quickly pull his foot away.... his toe was getting HOT! lol THis apparently is what was causing the laughing, and *other noises* coming from the room. Daddy was determined that he and Vergil were going to get the toe nails filed down....... and they did!! He?d let his toes cool a few minutes and they?d sand on 'em more. lol My boys still remember ?sanding on grandpa?s toes?. lol


The bleeding didn't last long. But I think that's because he immediately took a cotton tipped wire and soaked it with acid and then proceeded to jamb it up into what used to be my nail bed to kill the tissue so that a nail would NEVER grow back there.

I wasn't going to do this, but since someone brought up pictures:

:D :D
Acid! Ok, now you have be scared, lol. My toe does not look like yours Hank;)

Hi Rain!
Sounds alot like what you described. "thickened". Over time and after reading many many post here ......Rain.....I have always wondered if myself and father are Marfans:confused: We have some of the charatristics. So does Kara. The only thing holding me back from the "full thought" is the mid section and the way Marfans rib cage area looks. None of us have the "sunken look" I have seen in the photos. Dad was also dx with a Parkinsons and a rare autoimmune disorder (which Marfans is too) last year. Maybe they are wrong.

Well......we gots what we gots. Just have to live with it.:)
Hank ya just had to go and do it didn't ya? Now what would you say if I posted one of mine on here? You'd be getting all sorts of complaints about disgusting pictures of toenails.

Mine are so bad that they really should be taken out. Anyone wanna see a fungal ridden toenail?

Good photo Hank:D

Rain, it sounds like your dad did what I do but on a grander scale.

Guys sometimes just have to find uses for power tools just like some women seem to need every kind of kitchen gadget. For me, most of my kitchen stuff is non-electric. I like the quiet.
Hello from Digger! Digger is property of Novartis Pharmaceutical-Makers of Lamisil for Nail Fungas.

Please tell me you don't use kitchen implements on your toenails.


Ew! :(


Well, now that you mention it, I have a couple of thickened nails on my big toes ( and a little fungus to go with), but I have a hammer toe on my left foot that sounds like Ryan's finger! The toe's permanently bent at the "knuckle" and the nail is very thick from the pressure. I've thought about having that nail removed, but didn't have time to deal with it before my VR surgery.

I've got to tell you all right now, I WON"T be coming to the reunion if everyone's going to sit around and compare toenails! ;)
There is no nail!!

There is no nail!!

Nail Polish wouldn't work - There is no nail there as it was completely removed.. There is only some white crusty substance that should be gone in a few weeks. Then iy will just be a scar tissued over nail bed thingy.

Y'all know you like it :D

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