to send well wishes to an American soldier

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
a friend sent me the following address to send greetings, well wishes, get well cards, etc. It is a small thing we can do for our boys and girls:

A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital
6900 Georgia Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001


Girl Ann! These are are best, giving the most, for everyone of us!
This time of year is very difficult for the service families. If you ever
have the honor of meeting one of them, be sure and thank them for their
service. We owe them much!
Thanks for posting address to send note to a recovering solider.
Will get card off soon.

Do we need a specific name?
I read that cards etc sent to deployed people must have a person's name -- don't know if that is true.
I have been following one Captain's caringbridge page since the beginning of this year, he lost a leg among other things and he finally was able to move home about a month ago. It was terrible seeing everything he went thru, Justin and I had a few talks about how when they say 5 marines were injured today, you tend to think it's a few broken bones or cuts, never realizing just how injured they can be. Capt Gade, is one of the most inspiring people I have ever met .
Just yesterday another friend sent me a link to this kid in the navy, he is only 19 and lost both his legs in Iraq he and his family really appreciate any messages left in his guestbook.
Thanks for starting this thread, Lyn
I found the address for the above mentioned young corpsman who is at National Naval Med Center. Is it Ok to post his address?
when you read his journey, it is just heart breaking isn't it? and what a wonderful man always worrying about others, when he is having such a tough time himself, he seems so mature for 19, Since he is so close in age to Justin, I can't imagine what his parents must be going thru, so sad, Lyn
if his address is in caringbridge, then it's already on the net, so why not here in VR? I think you should so we can cheer him on. Who else, but heart repaired people to cheer him on. We are already experienced.
This is the snail mail address for the young solider mentioned. I sent him a card today

HA Bullene, Anthony P.

c/o Commander

National Naval Med Center

ATTN: Casualty Affairs ( RM 2008/BLD10)

8901 Wisconsin Ave

Bethesda, MD 20889-5600
Tom Brokaw Show

Tom Brokaw Show

Did anyone see Tom Brokaw's hour long show with young soldiers? I cried the entire hour. I think everyone should see this show -- just to remind us what the soldiers endure both in Iraq and when they arrive home. Returning to the USA doesn't mean their war experience ends.

War is H*ll.
Ann, thanks for sharing this address. I have two care packages to be sent off this morning, as a matter of fact. I think I'll send a few cards to Walter Reed too. Let's remember our service men and women.