To All That Sent Cards To Us

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I'd like to thank all of you that sent cards to me and my family over Christmas. Normally I'd do this individually, but I have tons of stuff to get done and don't have enough time to make it personal. I do hope this is ok with you all.

Thanks again,
Ross and Lyn
We didn't get around to sending many cards this year, but I still would like to wish you and Lyn a belated Merry Christmas, and certainly hope for a Happy New Year.
Things have been a little crazy again.
We were in Cleveland for almost a week, unfortunately it was for one of our nephews funeral. He suddenly dropped dead at age 55.
We were close to going on to North Canton to visit some of my wife's family members, but time wasn't on our side.
If we had though Ross you would have had some visitors. This coming spring you better watch out, you just never know who might show up.:D
's awright with me. Hope you had a great Christmas. We did. We have company (little {6'} sister & her husband) visiting from Dallas.

Been so cold/damp here we haven't gone outside the house much except for her husband who loves fast food and we don't have any at home.
Well we didn't really have a Christmas outside of some cards. I'm just happy it's over and we can move on to other things. We did have the boys and 2 of their girl friends over for dinner, but that was it. Short and sweet. Lyn had to be at work at 5am yesterday.
Oh, yeah, Ross................

Oh, yeah, Ross................

rub salt in the wound there.................ya know my "Christmas cards" don't go out until closer to Valentine's Day or Easter..............:eek: but I do think of you often and y'all stay in my prayers. Much love and many hugs. J.