'Tis the Season for Frustration...

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Feb 10, 2004
Central NJ
My wife suddenly blossoms with a rash all over. Highly unpleasant for her.

The dermatologist says to her, "Gee, that's usually caused by exposure to strep. I'll give you a prescription antibiotic." I'm in the room, so I say, "Uh, I'm not supposed to be around strep." The good doctor then provides me with a lab test order for a throat swab.

It's Saturday, but the lab (the only authorized lab on CIGNA) is open, so I rush down there. New sign: "As of Nov. 13, we are only taking people on Saturdays who have appointments." I try anyway, and am turned away.

So I wait until Monday. "Results will be back tentative in 24 hours, final in 48 hours." Okay. Go back Wednesday morning.

"We don't keep any results here. You have to call this number." Okay. Go to the parking lot, call the number. Recording: "Quest labs is not authorized to give results directly to patients. Results will only be given to the prescribing doctor."

Well, prescribing doc is on vacation until next Monday. Go back inside and say, "That wasn't very nice. You knew they wouldn't give me the results. And the doctor is on vacation."

"Well, you'll have to find another doctor to get the results."

Go to cardiologist. "We could get the results, but we couldn't tell them to you, because we're not the prescribing doctors. We'd be liable."

You gotta be kidding.

Call the vacationing prescribing dermatologist's office. A staff member answering for another doctor on site tries to give me the quick brush-off, saying, "We get those results in the mail, so they wouldn't be here yet."

I ask her if she'd like to send them to me Monday in the hospital, while they're trying to determine what parts of my heart are salvageable.


Ah...Maybe getting through. I follow up by asking if she wants the lab phone number, as they should be able to release the results to her by FAX. She folds, admitting that she already knows the number. She'll call me back.

Fifteen minutes later, she calls. The test isn't finished. It should be done tomorrow.

"But tomorrow is Thanksgiving. So I won't be able to get the results, will I?"


"Will anyone be in Friday?"

"I don't know. You can try." Doesn't know if her office is open Friday..?

"Thank you for your help." Replace the receiver gently into the cradle.

So, there's a good chance it will have taken a week before I can even find out if I have anything to worry about. I still don't know if I'll even be able to get a prescription until Monday, if it is positive.

I don't like these people anymore...

Also stopped by my former GP earlier this week, to get my records. He's elderly, and has taken to having bizarre and unpredictable office hours, and hasn't been there anytime I've tried to see him about it prior to this.

The "receptionist" is apparently running for Miss Rude America, and takes great pride in telling me what she will not do. At first, she insists that she will only copy them if she's sending them to a doctor. I become less friendly and attempt to explain the law to her.

She then counters that they will call me back when they have time to copy my files. (I don't know what she will do in between. There were no patients, and she was just yakking with the other staff when I came in.)

She also tells me that if and when they are copied, my files will cost a dollar a page. Obviously, she doesn't understand the term, "nominal," either.

I don't like these people anymore, too...


Thank you for letting me vent,
I guess this is why many doctors ask for their money upfront. They KNOW they are going to be extremely annoying.

I guarantee you if you treated their bills or requests for money like some of them treat their patients, they might have a clue. You know, all kinds of excuses, the check is in the mail, I think, but the post office was closed and who knows when it will be open, must have gotten lost in the mail. Oh, did you send me a bill? I never got it. Could you please send another? I never write checks until the last day of the month. My husband/wife always writes out those things and she/he wants a complete breakdown of your bill before she/he will even attempt to write it, then we will have to clear it with our accountant who monitors all of our funds. He's in Hawaii. Don't know when he's getting back. I think he told us a month. Then he will be into tax season, so things will be slow.

Yes, yes, that is why they want their money upfront, I'm convinced.

Not every doctor is like this of course, but some of them are and it is enough to make you want to go elsewhere.

We see all kinds of things, when we are people with lots of medical problems, don't we?

Short of a good spanking, what can possibly be done? It's medical boredom and definitely complete disregard for the patient. And guess what? Miss Rude America doesn't even give a rat's ---. She's ready to retire.
I'm right there with you today, Bob. Yesterday I went in to get a 24 hour holter monitor put on. It was put on at 1:40 PM. I was told that I could take it off myself, then just drop it off. I figured that meant as long as I got it in before their office closed, I'd be fine... No one bothered telling me they would be closing early today! So, at 3 o'clock I was at their door wiggling their handle to no avail. It wasn't THAT much later than my 24 hours. Could the nurse have maybe said "Oh, and you might want to make sure to get by before X time, because we will be closing early tomorrow."??? Would that have been too hard? Now I have to wait until Monday (they won't be open on Friday) to take it in (but I have to work, so who knows how I'm going to do that!). ARG!!!

Anyway, I feel your pain. I'm working on trying to cool off right now. It hasn't been working too well so far.
You wrote a beautiful narrative of what happened, Bob, and you did and said all the right things to med. staff who deserved to be yelled at, but I wish for you the end of the story could have been that you woke up to realize it was only a bad dream. It leaves me speechless. Spring
Bob, how awful for you! ! My granddaughter had strep throat a couple of days ago and I was around her. I didn't think about it bothering me. So far so good. I am totally wore out right now. I've been cooking since early this morning and then all the other stuff, cleaning, etc. I have about 40 of my husbands family coming for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Oh my! They seem to come out of the wood work.

I hope you and yours have a great Thanksgiving. Hugs and prayers are coming your way.


Maybe the dermatologist was wrong in saying that your wife was around someone with strep... :confused: Does she recall..being around someone..so sick??? Rashes can come from strange things. :eek: Years ago, when my first dog was run over by a stupid garbage man..flying down our long driveway..I broke out in a rash from my neck to my feet....Stress :eek: Crying, ect...Hope he was wrong..(dermatologist).................Know the feeling of dealing with people..Our bank closed after 38 years...Our new trust officer, told me, not to worry. Our interests checks will come into her bank the first of the month. Called yesterday..No checks..and what?..of course, she is on vacation this week.... :eek: :eek: Our money is probably laying on her desk.. :mad: :mad: :mad: Now, I cannot go out and buy Ross his big Xmas present this weekend. :p Bonnie
hard to believe some people!!

hard to believe some people!!

Bob. I actually thought you were kidding! I just kept thinking, he really can't be serious!!

I hope you find your results to be negative. How is the rash on your wife?? Not pleasant, I suspect. I have noticed that people who tend to get strep, get strep, and others without much history, somehow aren't prone. Hopefully you haven't had much of a history of it.

Can't say that my doctor/office experiences are ever that bad. Did have a whacky day yesterday dealing with the department of motor vehicles. Called to ask which office to go to and then waited forever in line to be told I was at the wrong office! Then, after all the paperwork was in, they call and I failed to sign a document and had to drive right back!! Like I don't have things to do the days before Thanksgiving!! VERY frustrating day for me. Maybe the moon is in retrograde over Jupiter or some such nonsense!!

Try to relax about it and have a good holiday!! Stressing about it is just going to invite it in!!

Oh, and about the stress test (your other thread). I cancelled it (she agreed)and am going in to see her just to talk on the 14th. The stress test nurse just said that they are looking for blockages.

Good luck!!


I'm going cold turkey on doctors. :D

I haven't seen one since my 2 week followup after getting my wires out. I have had 2 major flareups of pain since then (one on Monday preventing me from going home for T-giving). I'm just tired of dealing with a whole lot of tests and no answers...so right now I'm unemployable, in pain, but glad I didn't have to pay another doctor to tell me that there is nothing they can do.

In the future print out a copy of the HIPPA laws concerning records and whip it out (and I mean whip it...lol) and "nicely" present it to the receptionist. I think my PCP charged ~10.00 and had a third party company that did it for them. They called me when they were ready and I picked them up (took about 5 business days).

As for being exposed to strep, I'm surprised they didn't put you on an antibiotic until they got the results. It would have been the "safe" thing to protect you in case the results come back positive. Did your wife's test come back yet, and if so was it positive?

Anyway, I think we can all empathize with your experience. I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving! :)
Dear Bob,
Have been busy cooking all day and just logged on - couldn't believe your tale of woe, but I agree with Bryan - can't understand why the cardiologist didn't just put you on an antibiotic to be safe until the results are in. Hope this turns out with negative test results for both of you.
You showed much more restraint than I would have! Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Sorry to hear about your strep episode! It's actually something that I'm worried about. My nephew has just been diagnosed with strep (whose house I'm visiting on Thanksgiving). His was bad and acually attacked his kidneys. He's on antibiotics now. But is that something I need to worry about, especially with impending AVR surgery? His brother and family are not on antibiotics. My 3 young kids will be there, etc. I was worried at first, but then thought I was being my usual overreactive self. Now I hear your story. What is the problem with exposure to strep and AVR? Thanks for the info. Hope you're okay and have a GREAT THANKSGIVING!!!
Hi Bob,

Very disheartening for sure. Do you have an immediate care center in your area? If you do have strep...waiting 2 days could be too long. If it were me...I would be at immediate care. If that fails....the ER.

Take care. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Aaaaarrrrgggghhh!!!!! How frustrating!!!! Do these people have to fail a competency test or something to get into these jobs? (..them and government workers!..). Sadly this sort of thing happens all the time, so it seems.

I hope the dermatologist was erroneous in his assesment and that you've got nothing to worry about (..meanwhile I hope you're wife is feeling better and the rash has cleared up - honestly, she could have developed a rash from a number of things..). Please let us know when (if) you know what's going on.

Bryan -
I've had to copy out the Australian version of the law concerning patient access to their own records because I've also been given the BS about "privacy laws" and other nonsense to prevent me from accessing my records. I sent a full version of the laws to my old medical centre, along with the request for my records, and they've since assured me that they will get those in the post to me just as soon as they've got a spare moment to copy them (..hmmmmmm, this is starting to sound like another line!..). Still, the change in attitude when you've got the documentation to back you up is astonising!!

A : )
Very nasty experience Bob.

If you want to take the time, you might write all this up, or just copy what you posted, and send it to your state medical license agency. It won't be a quick fix, but you will have the satisfaction of knowing that they will face repercusions. No one likes the state investigating any complaints made by patients.
You could call the offices back and ask for their names (including spelling to arouse their curiousity), and casually mention that you will need them for the complaint you intend to file. I bet you will find they are a little more helpful the next time around.

I'm disgusted with doctors anyway, so I hope you chase them around.
Happy Thanksgiving,
My Question Is...

My Question Is...

Did I start some sort of chain reaction from my troubles with my doctors...or what....Man, when it rains....IT POURS!! Anyone who has had the same kinds of trouble with doctors lately, like myself, has my utmost sympathy and support! I have a funny feeling that they need to open up a forum just for complaints about Doctors....I bet that would be filled in no time..Please know that I am every bit as frustrated with the doctor(s) in my area (Rochester, NH) as everyone else is with his or her doctor. :( :mad: :( :mad: Harrybaby666
Thank you for sharing this............

Thank you for sharing this............

I am so sorry that you have had to endure such frustration and lunacy, but it is so nice to know that I am not the only one that goes through such ordeals. Ahhhhhhhhhh, how misery loves company. Just sorry it was you. Hope all comes back negative. Let us know, please.
Friday was another round of "well, we really can't...," this time from the staff who answered at the derm's office. After some good-natured pushing, it became, "let me ask someone." Then fifteen minutes on hold, followed by a dropped line.

Calling back, I was less interested in their protocol. When the mealymouthing started, I said, "Look, this isn't rocket science. It's a throat swab. It's positive or negative. There's no medical interpretation involved." I had already explained why it was important that I have the results.

"Let me call you back in ten minutes."

In five, she had called the lab, gotten the results, and called me back.


I feel like I gave birth. Having valve surgery isn't this hard...

Best wishes,
Congratulations Bob!!!

Boy or girl? :D

Seriously though, sorry you had to go through all of that just to get a reading on a throat culture, but glad it ended well. :)


Hi there Bob, glad to hear a happy ending to this soap opera!! God, I never imagined that doctors in America kept messing people around like that! I mean, here in Brazil you hear so much about the perfect health service over there that something like what some of you have been through has come as a big surprise to me. By the way, you hear a lot about people in Brazil having problems like these too, but I think I'm one of the lucky ones that at least in this aspect, has nothing to complain about. Anyway, I was relieved to hear that there's nothing wrong with you.

Débora :)

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