I had my 3 granddaughter since Wed. and they went home today. I will miss them but now I know for sure why you have your kids young. Between an ailing Mom, a sick dog and 3 kids it has been pretty hectic. Our dog had the heartworm treatment and he was throwing up blood all Friday night. Got hold of the Vet and said that this was from the treatment and he should be kept quiet and be put on a bland diet. We did get some Pepto Bismol down him. That was fun. He also loves popsicles. My oldest granddaughter is 13 going on 21. I am so glad that I am done raising teenagers, especially female. She was the only one for so long and now she has 2 to compete with or thinks she does. She is #1 Drama Queen. Now I know why my daughter is almost crazy. To add to all this, there dog is dying of leukemia and they were really upset by this. The twins slept with "dream catchers" under their pillows for some kind of protection. They have quite an imagination. Couldn't sleep on the floor and someone had to be next to them. They have bunk beds at home and when one or the other is feeling bad, they sleep together. They are like 2 peas in a pod. I think I will have to rest up for the rest of the week. I even went to the city pool over the weekend. Was kind of selfconcious of my scar and extra weight, but there is always someone who looks a lot worse. Was fun and I wasn't the only Grandma there. Gotta get back to work, just had to let out a little steam,