Tips On Shaving

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Jan 15, 2006
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Has anyone got any tips for shaving before surgery. The last time I had OHS they shaved me in the hospital but this time I have to do it myself.
They tell me to use a safety razor. Are there any alternatives?
WAXING?????? OUCH!!!! OUCH!!!!!!:eek: :eek:

I would suggest NOT going to a barber!!!!!:D :D

Seriously, safety razor is probably the best. They used a throw away razor in the hospital on me. I would hate to know I had to shave myself before surgery. I don't think an electric razor would get close enough.

Hope someone has some suggestions that may help.

May God Bless,

If you're really hairy, I'd shave first with an electric razor, then follow up with a safety razor.

Lucky you!!!!
They told you to shave yourself?!?!?!?!? How about bring your own scalpal? I guess $100K doesn't go as far as it used to...

OH GOSH !...did they tell you which bits to shave?...

I have read of some waking up with a mo-hawk bikini-line!...LOL

I would go the old favourite safety-razor with extra soapy-stuff...

I'm a girl what would I know about shaving :D

maybe your hospitals' nurses are shy ;)