tingling sensations

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I've been having tingling feelings in one foot for about 5 months now, mostly in the ball. Sometimes I get a cold/wet sensation too. I'm not diabetic and had a test this afternoon for peripheral neuropathy. I saw some old posts about the same sort of thing after OHS and was wondering how those folks are doing? I have been on my feet most of all my life and this is first time with this for me. Any thoughts about this?
me too!

me too!

I've had tingling in hands and feet and diff. cardiologists have told me it's not my heart. Am going in Monday for AVR and AAR -- will let you know how the feet feel when I'm pumping more blood.

My wife's feet have been getting cold for 20 years. She's 51 now.

Probably nothing to worry about, but it won't hurt to get checked and re-checked:)
I had that cold/wet feeling in my thigh wihen I was in the hospital after AVR. I was eating dinner and it felt just like I had droped ice on my leg. Everyone started running around trying to figure out what was happening. A Doc finally said it was a nerve close to the surface. I still have some what of a dumb feeling in that leg. I do have the tingling feeling in both of my feet, and the ball and toes feel swollen. My right hand is swollen and my finger tip do thingle. Have not found out what is causing this and it started in April.

AVR April 6,2006
[email protected]
I don't know if this will be of any help or not but...

I have developed neuropathy in my feet and right lower leg. Symptoms: pain, feelings similar to having a vibrator being turned on and off inside my right foot, numbness, and a little drooping of my right big toe. The nerve conduction studies show I no longer have an "F" wave in the areas involved. Even though my heart problem isn't responsible for this, one of my medications (flecainide) may be causing it. My neurologist said that 1% of people on flecainide will develop neuropathy. Even so, my cardiologist will not give me his blessing to come off of it. You may want to check side-effects of medications you are on. I too would consider if it is coming from a back problem.
Thanks for the input, folks! My problem is not constant, it kind of comes and goes, good days and bad days. No back problem. I know it's on of those weird things with no clear answers. Maybe next week I'll have more info to work with when the test results come back.

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