Tingling legs, feet?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
calabasas, ca
I am pre-op and have, for the last couple of months, had cold feet, kind of tingling in the legs and feet. It seems to me that it's related to poor circulation, but my cardiologist says no. Anyone else have this symptom before surgery for AVR? Did it get better?


Were you recently put on Atenolol, or another heart medication? They can have that as a side effect. I experienced it initially with Atenolol.

From Medicinenet.com:
SIDE EFFECTS: Atenolol is generally well tolerated, and side effects are mild and transient. Rare side effects include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, depression, dreaming, memory loss, fever, impotence, lightheadedness, slow heart rate, low blood pressure, numbness, tingling, cold extremities, sore throat, and shortness of breath or wheezing.

Best wishes,


I too have posted a thread due to numbing and tingling in my lower legs..and my forearms. My Cardiologist informed me that it could not be related to my heart. He actually kinda laughed and told me "We can't blame everything on the valve". Which kinda made me mad! WELL...I had an appointment with a Surgeon yesterday. I talked about all my symptoms and explained that I had numbness on exertion. I told him that my Cardiologist didn't think it was due to my heart..the Surgeon said yes in fact in my case it was due directly to heart. And took the time to explain why.
I don't know about your case but in my case he confirmed and explained to me that it could be a serious situation. This is a Surgeon that is cutting edge. When I told him I was hoping to have the 'da Vinci' for my BAOV he said he has tried it on a cadaver ( in California) and that there are too many incisions that have to be made and it, for the moment, doesn't benefit BAOV patients. He is one of the first to do the da Vinci in Texas and teaches other Surgeons.. Anyway, I think he is highly qualified to know if numbness is due to your heart or not..for me it was.
I don't know if that helps or not... but, just food for thought.
Good Luck, Deana
I never can get those little faces where I want.. I meant for that to be a smile!! :)
for denobobeno...

for denobobeno...

So please take the time to explain what the surgeon said was the cause of the tingling???? Some of us would really like to know.

sorry, I just saw the post... I haven't been on lately...had a bug. I have to admit I was a little overwhelmed at the appointment with the Surgeon, but basically he explained that in my particular case I had exerted myself beyond what my heart was able to keep up with..and, as with regurg, my heart filled with more blood than it pumped out which in turn meant my extremeties were not getting enough blood to them and thus the numbness and tingling. He actually told me I was most likely in acute heart failure at that time and next time it could easily go into congestive heart failure. I hated to post that part because I didn't want to freak out someone and have them think they were in acute heart failure too. Everyone's situation is unique to their body. He also wants me to have surgery next week.. (I'm seeing a second Surgeon next week) so I'm sure that my situation is different but, I do, in my little uninformed opinion, believe that the numbness that so many of us experience in some way could certainly be related back to our less than perfect hearts. But, who knows??? This has just been my experience.
I don't know if that helped or not.. maybe too much information! D