Time of Day to Take Warfarin

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2007
Florida, USA
Hi All,

I am almost 6 weeks post AVR surgery and am currently taking my 5mg dose around 5pm. This time of day was started in the hospital and I've seen it recommended so if the doctor wants to change the dose you can do it that day.
I want to start taking the dose in the morning as it is easier for me to remember at that time. My next INR test is in 3 weeks so I thought I'd start taking it 1-2 hours earlier each day until I get to 6am.

Anybody run across any problems with a morning dosage?
I take mine in the morning before I leave for work. Not sure when they gave it to me in the hospital but I started in the morning as soon as I got home. I did not give a thought as to a gradual move to morning. I just started in the morning and it was never a problem and I have aways been stable.
I always take my mine in the morning. They suggested the evening to me, but I'm like you--it's easier to remember in the morning.
It doesn't matter when you take it. Evenings work great for Doctors, but isn't convenient for us. I take mine as soon as I wake up. If you want to take it early A.M., just start doing it, but don't forget and take two doses in a day.
I have always taken it in the am after waking up. I use a seven day pill box to be sure to take my correct dosage each day. If dosage needs correction after INR, I do it the next day. No doctor has ever told me that there is any prescribed time to take this drug, only to be consistant as to when I take it each day. If am is more convenient for you, then just start tomorrow. You don't need to gradually wean yourself from pm to am.
Isis, you don't need to change gradually with coumadin.
I take mine at 6:30 when my stomach is full from dinner; I'm super sensitive to meds.
If somehow I forget, I will notice when I take my evening metoprolol.
I take mine in the morning too. Can't even remember to brush my teeth at night!
tommy said:
I have a trick for remembering. I wear a med-alert necklace all day. I take my warfarin at bedtime and take the necklace off after I take my meds.
Tom, no medic alert info at night time? What if there is a carbon monoxide leak or fire?
I understand that jewellery can be very annoying to sleep with, but maybe there is a soft type of bracelet that wouldn't bother you while sleeping. (just a thought):)
Time to take anti-coagulant

Time to take anti-coagulant

I take mine @ night. My cardio's nurse suggested not to take it with all my other meds. I take coreg, cardizem, altace, and zocor in the morning. I have always been afraid to take my coumadin at the same time as these other medicines - worried about possible interactions. Am I misinformed?
blessed1416 said:
I take mine @ night. My cardio's nurse suggested not to take it with all my other meds. I take coreg, cardizem, altace, and zocor in the morning. I have always been afraid to take my coumadin at the same time as these other medicines - worried about possible interactions. Am I misinformed?
Do what you feel comfortable with. I take mine along with all 6 other pillls I have to eat daily. No interactions that I see with yours or mine.
Thanks everyone for the input. Looks like I'll be switching to a morning feeding of my warfarin along with the quinapril.