Tick season--reminder

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Was going into the shower last night, and saw a black thing on my wrist, Thought it was a leaf particle, but it was firmly attached. It was a tick. I believe it was a dog tick. I pulled it off before it had blown up, and I'm keeping an eye on the area. I don't think dog ticks carry Lyme, but anyway I'll check it out by calling the doc on Monday.

So far, no redness.

I was cutting down a bush in the yard, that must have been where it came from. I have a lot of wooded area. I had on a long sleeved shirt but it crawled under the cuff.

I've picked a couple of deer ticks off my dog in the past. She's had the Lyme shot.
I didn't know dogs could have a lyme shot. I check Miss Sally Sue and our one outside cat every day and so far nada. We use a good flea/tick medicine as necessary and nobody has fleas anymore. We carefully watch for ticks. If there's a bite, it takes forever for the itchiness to go away.
We have to worry about the ticks and mosquitos here. Pretty bad, you spend all winter wanting to get out and then all summer fighting pests to be outside.
Yes Nancy, this is a good reminder.

My cousin just lost his beloved hunting dog because of lyme disease.

About a year ago I found a tick on my arm when my youngest son and I had less than an hour to go on a church caming trip. The nurse pulled it off but it looked like the head stayed in my arm. I played it safe and called my doctor the next day. The office got me immediately and the doctor put me on anti-biotics.

So far, my wrist is perfectly normal. I think I got it before it dug too far in, and the whole bug came off. It was a larger tick not a deer tick which are tiny until they blow up. Looking at the spot where it was, it was right on top of a vein. They must have a well developed sense of smell to get to the exact perfect spot.