My husband is on coumaden. He had a very small stroke (confirmed by an MRI in Feb.), and then a TIA if February. His INR was 1.8 at the time of the second incident. We do not know when the first ocurred, except to say that he started experiencing leg weakness mid-January. He goes to clinic like clockwork. Does NOT miss an appt., and all of the appointments were within range, except the one in February. We have been told by many peopel that you cannot have a stroke while on coumaden, as long as the INR is within range. And yet, I know he did. And, another patient at his clinic just had a stroke, and was within range as well. Doesn't give one a lot of confidence, and yet he would not be alive today if it weren;t for the drug. Yeah! Coumaden!! BTW, no one did any further tests, including a simple EKG, when they discovered the brain infarct. But, frankly, what can they do anyway. (He has dual valves, chronic a-fib, and a severely leaking tricuspid valve.) - Marybeth