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Hi there, many of you already know my story...i am a 41 year old recently diagnosed with aortic aneurysm at about 5 cm and looking and imminent surgery, most likely in January or February of next year. Oh yeah, I have the classic precursor to most aneurysms which is the dreaded bicuspid valve. I just had another consult today with a surgeon here locally. Although I am not considering him for my surgery (he admittedly only does about 5 surgeries like mine a year) my cardio wanted me to meet with him to possibly to my post surgery case, especially since I may be travelling out of area for the surgery. Anyway, great guy and answered a lot of my questions but also brought up some new issues. At my age, the initial recommendation of most seems to be mechanical valve but my objections to mechanical are mainly lifestyle. Specifically, dietary changes and not being able to drink alcohol. I know, you can eat and drink what you want in moderation and as long as you are consistent, but honestly I am not a very consistent person and I like being spontaneous. I like, also, to drink in excess and really enjoy myself....particularly when I am travelling, on a cruise, etc. I am definitely not an alcoholic and honestly haven't drank more than a few glasses of wine in the last couple of months. But, I have been know to "tie one on" and I enjoy that from time to time. That being said, my primary dilemna now is this. One surgeon told me bovine valves are the way to go...the one today said pig valves are the way to go in terms of how long they last. Since I am assured a replacement, God willing, I want to chose the one that has the best track record, pig or cow. Also, the surgeon today said that the complications from Coumadin accumulate 1% a year so if I lived another 40 years I would have a 40% chance of complications from Coumadin, so perhaps tissue would be the way to go regardless. Not sure if I understand this. Also, I have a history of kidney stones and they bleed like heck....and they are very likely to recur...wouldn't this be a contraindication to mechanical anyway? I was really hoping to be able to salveage my native valve but the general consensus now is that the valve has to go so a decision is in order. I guess the surgeon I eventually choose is going to have a preference anyway, right? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me...perhaps there is a website or study that compare bovine and porcine tissue valves?