I hope this isn't too much cute for a Thursday morning.
I hope this isn't too much cute for a Thursday morning.
Oh wait a minute! I know what happened, you had sex last night.
Karlynn did you visit ChouDoufu's coffee shop terrace again? It's so unlike you to post something kind and gentle, at least around me. Better go watch "How to put on a bra" and snap out of it.
Oh wait a minute! I know what happened, you had sex last night.
It kind of looks like the cat is willing to let the little bandit get some, but not without letting him know who's the boss.Great way to start the day, Karlynn. Keep those coming. I'm a YouTube junkie for the sweet stuff.
I thought this one was pretty amazing, too... why that racoon just didn't tear this kitty apart -- they are so strong. And smart too...lots of gain for little effort.
Kitty vs. Racoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJZMunpgOtI