This is Linda for Gary

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Gary Miller

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2012
Pensacola, Florida
Hello, I am Linda Miller, Gary's wife, I hope I am on the right site, I promised Gary I would let all of you know how the surgery went. The surgery went well and they replaced the aortic valve and as of now he is still in intensive care. I was not prepared for the condition he was in, even though my best friend had tried to prepare me for the condition he would be in. As of today he is not awake, which today is Saturday. I came home for a few minutes and I am on my way back to the hospital. Keep him in your prayers. Linda
The anestesia can keep you under for quite some time. Do not worry. Was his surgery on April, 20th, or was it moved to a later date?

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
Hello, I am Linda Miller, Gary's wife, I hope I am on the right site, I promised Gary I would let all of you know how the surgery went. The surgery went well and they replaced the aortic valve and as of now he is still in intensive care. I was not prepared for the condition he was in, even though my best friend had tried to prepare me for the condition he would be in. As of today he is not awake, which today is Saturday. I came home for a few minutes and I am on my way back to the hospital. Keep him in your prayers. Linda

Okay, I just figured out what is going on. Linda's message was posted last Saturday, April 21, on Gary's profile message page.
Now it has been moved to the post surgery forum where everybody can see it and share some post op support.

Linda, I hope that Gary is doing better this week, but it is normal to have ups and downs in the recovery process.
Best wishes.
Hi Linda,

I hope everything is going well. Skyler was kept under for at least 24 hours after his surgery to allow for healing, so I wonder is he still not awake because they are keeping him sedated, or because he has not come out of the anaesthetic? I hope he is doing better now and hope for an update.
I got it, this is a week old message from Linda. So, a week has passed since this message ;) Hope Gary is moving around now.
Okay, I just figured out what is going on. Linda's message was posted last Saturday, April 21, on Gary's profile message page.
Now it has been moved to the post surgery forum where everybody can see it and share some post op support.

Linda, I hope that Gary is doing better this week, but it is normal to have ups and downs in the recovery process.
Best wishes.

Bina, You're a genius. What will we do without you.

Wishing Gary a smooth recovery.....
I'm Home and yes Bina figured out that Linda's post was from Sat 21st. I don't know how to thank you folks enough for all your experience and information sharing about this process. Just like everyone said as soon as I opened my eyes and she said to squeeze her hands they took the CULVERT out of my throat and I was sure at that stage I might make it after all. It was just as expected form the chest tubes to my Buddy the pillow! It did take me 2 days on the cardiac floor days to get up and walk. The doctor did order 1 unit of blood which I was not in favor of because I have never been anemic. They got the INR to 2.7 and asked if I wanted to go home Thursday afternoon. I'm still shaky and fell pretty weak as my appetite has been very poor. The real kicker was that doctor x the one I didn't choose to do the implant removed the pacemaker wires and as weird as that was he didn't get the right one out! He was pulling pretty hard and then just snipped the wire and told the nurse to dress it. He said it would start working its way out in time, I wonder? Last night had lots of heart pounding and PVC's kind of short of breath today but I have been pushing it a little. They have me on Toprol 50 mg and Amiodarone 200mg for 3months each. Really sucks when the heart rate drops to the mid 40's but I just breath in 3 times and it steadies the heart beat for another 100 beats and after a while its steady long enough to get a couple of hours of sleep a night. I am assuming this will get better in time and a good exercise regiment. Hey how about those dreams!! That’s wild! It’s good to be back!
Oh I have a brand new 23 MM ON-X AV By Doctor James Lonquist Sacred Heart Hospital Pensacola, FL
I'm Home and yes Bina figured out that Linda's post was from Sat 21st. I don't know how to thank you folks enough for all your experience and information sharing about this process. Just like everyone said as soon as I opened my eyes and she said to squeeze her hands they took the CULVERT out of my throat and I was sure at that stage I might make it after all. It was just as expected form the chest tubes to my Buddy the pillow! It did take me 2 days on the cardiac floor days to get up and walk. The doctor did order 1 unit of blood which I was not in favor of because I have never been anemic. They got the INR to 2.7 and asked if I wanted to go home Thursday afternoon. I'm still shaky and fell pretty weak as my appetite has been very poor. The real kicker was that doctor x the one I didn't choose to do the implant removed the pacemaker wires and as weird as that was he didn't get the right one out! He was pulling pretty hard and then just snipped the wire and told the nurse to dress it. He said it would start working its way out in time, I wonder? Last night had lots of heart pounding and PVC's kind of short of breath today but I have been pushing it a little. They have me on Toprol 50 mg and Amiodarone 200mg for 3months each. Really sucks when the heart rate drops to the mid 40's but I just breath in 3 times and it steadies the heart beat for another 100 beats and after a while its steady long enough to get a couple of hours of sleep a night. I am assuming this will get better in time and a good exercise regiment. Hey how about those dreams!! That’s wild! It’s good to be back!
Oh I have a brand new 23 MM ON-X AV By Doctor James Lonquist Sacred Heart Hospital Pensacola, FL

Hey Gary, good to hear that you are home.
All of those little blips that you are experiencing are really quite common.
My thoughts on some of them:
Eat small amounts of healthy foods every couple of hours.
Drink water even when you don't want too.
Don't overdo things, you have lots of time to recover. Nap when you feel like it. I had mini naps twice a day.
The wild dreams may stay for a while, we blame the anaesthesia and meds.
Amiodarone is a heavy duty drug and you don't want to be on it for too long; hopefully after a few more weeks it can be reviewed.
The Amiodarone will aso affect your INR level so keep that in mind when changing the dose or stopping it.
So, welcome to the other side of the mountain !!!!!!!!
:) :)
Gary!!!!!!! Welcome back man. I think everything you described is pretty normal at this stage. Like others said, you need to get nutrition and plenty of liquids in to heal faster.
Do not skip meals, do drink loads and I mean looooooaaaads of water. If you eat some and are full, eat again in 90-120 minutes.

How about a pic of your scar?
Gary, nice to hear from you!!!
So pleased to hear everythin went well,
Hope your recovery goes just as good,
Love Sarah xx :)
Hi Gary, you made it! Welcome back to the land of the living! Take it easy, rest lots, eat when you can, drink when you can (water not alcohol!), and slowly walk a bit more each day. Try not to get too stressed (even though I did) about not getting decent sleep. Your body will eventually crash. Be kind to yourself. And to those looking after you! Take care, love from Australia ... :)
Welcome back, Gary!

Sounds like you're doing as well as most of us -- some unusual things in each case, but nothing too wild, it seems. If you are having overly vivid and strange dreams, that is one of the side effects of metoprolol (or Toprol - same basic stuff). I had the dreams for a couple of months until we reduced my metoprolol dosage. I just thought of it as "the theater of the night" and shrugged it off.

The first couple of weeks are just spent getting better and stronger. Don't forget your breathing exercises, and keep on keeping on!
Steve, I had weird/wild dreams as well, but thought they were caused by amiodarone. Though, once my Metoprolol dosage came down to 12.5 and then I stopped all together, my nights became normal again. I did not think of it much, but now it makes perfect sense. Gary, how is today treating ya?
Glad to hear that you're home Gary. Get plenty of rest, I hope that your recovery goes smoothly. Take care!

Day 3 at home and its really weird to be so grateful to be alive but feel like that truck that hit you just backed up for another shot at it. I may be expecting too much because the Doctor said I was going to feel a lot better! All I have really done is set some sprinklers walked out to my shop and maybe walked for half a block. I was really tired and weak Friday, pretty good Sat (Except for this darn Diarrhea I have had since Friday, Lost 5 lbs already) This morning I was real short of breath weak and dizzy till about 10:00.I just went to the mail box to get the paper and I was wiped out! Now at 10:00 AM it’s like everything reset back to I can move pretty freely and am considering going for a walk soon if there isn't any SOB. It would be nice to sleep more than 2 hours a night but I am sure that will get better in time. New experience for me last night, I now knows what it is like being shot in the chest with a shot gun! I was foolish enough to put my pillow just out of reach for a second while sitting out on the porch and yep its allergy season down here. Man that hurt worse than chest tubes! Anyway I'm getting concerned about the diarrhea not going away yet. I'm thinking with IBS already and the 6 days in the hospital with laxatives and stool softeners everyday could take a heavy toll on the body.
I would not worry too much about the bathroom habits as the last thing you want is to be pushing a really solid stool out as that can be hard on your chest and strain on the repaired heart they would havetold you Walk only AS much as you CAN we were reminded that a 20 minute walk means walking away from the house for ten and BACK for ten so really not that far but do it frequently enough................HAVE A GREAT day....Oh and the pillow is a great aid for infectious LAUGHTER keep it close for the comedy show of choice
Good to hear you are back home. You're now in the phase where you are making two steps forward and one step back. You will may feel great for a while, but your body is still recovering from that truck that hit you, and your body will make you pay if you push things too far. The good news is that you will make progress over time, and will make progress week to week, month to month.

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