This is just dumb.

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
After now three weeks on warfarin, and being on 2-4 mg (2 the first week, 3 the 2nd week, 4 this past week), my INR is still stuck at 1.2.

What gives? I'm a newbie to all this, so any insight would help.

The pharmacist at the clinic is bumping me to 8 mg tonight, then 4 and 6 interchangably until my next check next Tuesday.

By the way, I love my veggies and salad, but it's not like I'm eating a broccoli farm every day!

Also had a nice visit with the pharm intern...she said it was nice to talk to someone "young." Haha!
I'm guessing you have 2mg tabs only? You do not have a mechanical valve, so I guess your INR range is 2-3? The Pharmas plan is 8, 4, 6, 4, 6,4,6 over the next week? That is a significant increase 35% and my hunch is it will take you high, around 3 or 3+....not dangerous.

You are now taking 4mg daily? 28mg/wk?. If I had only 2mg tabs, I would probably go 4,6,4,6,4,6,4. That would be a 21% increase. It can take a little while to estabish your dose but once you do, it is not difficult to remain on a dose with little change....most of the time.
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I think your readings may depend on the timing of your next INR test(s), since the one-time 8mg is so out-of-whack with the rest of your doses. If 4,4,4,4,4,4,4 for the past week didn't get you past 1.2, then I'll be surprised if your upcoming 4,6,4,6,4,6 (after the 1-time 8) gets you at 2-3, though it might.

Is 2-3 your range? What's the ACT supposed to cure, or prevent? If you're at high risk of clotting, and you're starting the 4th week in a row well below your therapeutic INR range, your Docs might want to give you another "anti-thrombo" like (low molecular-weight) heparin, to keep you safe.
I have A-Fib, so the cardio doesn't want me to have a stroke, of course. He wants me between 2-3. I have 2mg tablets at home. I'm just getting used to all this, so we'll see how I do next Tues!